Lindbergh, reorganization with transfer of technological assets to the parent company

Lindbergh reorganization with transfer of technological assets to the parent

(Finance) – The Board of Directors of Lindbergha group listed since December 2021 on Euronext Growth Milan and active in offering services, products and logistics solutions, has approved the group reorganization project, with the aim of rationalizing and simplifying administrative and organizational activities. The reorganization concerns the issuer Lindbergh SpA and the company Lindteq Srl, 95% controlled by Lindbergh SpA, which holds the technological assets of the groupin particular the T-Linq technological platform used by the technicians who use the services, through which the services are provided in Italy and France.

The reorganization operation expects all of Lindteq’s technology assets to come incorporated into the parent company Lindbergh SpA through a intra-group sales worth 1,200,000 euros, to be carried out by 31 May 2022. The valuation was made on the basis of the accounting evidence of Lindteq Srl and reflects the value of the individual assets, explains a note. The voluntary liquidation of the subsidiary Lindteq Srl is then envisaged by 30 June 2022. The operation it does not envisage an outflow of liquidity from the group as all intra-group receivables and payables will be offset to arrive at a subsequent liquidation of Lindteq, without economic and financial effects.
