Lina and Andreas took over the farm – and got Pär in the bargain

Lina Englund and Andreas Norén took over a farm in Rättvik in Dalarna.
The previous owner Pär still lives upstairs.
– You can send the children up to him when you want to sleep in, says Lina in Efter fem.

It was The Falu Courier who was the first to report on the couple who needed a farm to accommodate their goats, and who moved in with the elderly farmer Pär Skoglund in Born in Rättvik municipality.

They run a small farm together, and Pär has adopted a bit of a grandfather or great-grandfather role to the couple’s children.

“Became a new dimension”

– It has worked very well, says Lina Englund in Efter fem.

– It’s nice to be able to send the children upstairs to Pär when you want to stay in bed yourself on a Saturday morning. They get chocolates and cookies.

For Pär, the new “generational housing” has meant a lot:

– It is absolutely excellent. I have gained another dimension in life, he says.

“Educate us”

In addition to goats, they have cows, chickens, ducks and rabbits on the farm, and in order for everything to go well, they need to be helped with most things.

– We help with the farm and Pär assists with both animal feeding and animal watering, he drives a tractor and teaches us with his experiences, Lina concludes.

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