Like many drivers, you probably fear road radars. So, so as not to be surprised, examine the list of cities in France where there are the most. And, surprise, Paris is not in the lead!

Like many drivers you probably fear road radars So so

Like many drivers, you probably fear road radars. So, so as not to be surprised, examine the list of cities in France where there are the most. And, surprise, Paris is not in the lead!

Automatic speed cameras are the fear of many drivers in France. And for good reason: these devices are capable of detecting speeding and taking photos of offending vehicles day and night, which makes it possible to draw up and send fines to their drivers without human intervention. It’s hard to escape them!

Especially since new types of radars are gradually being deployed. For example, since January 2024, thermal radars have been equipped on certain lanes to determine whether motorists are respecting traffic rules in carpool lanes. And radars powered by AI should arrive soon…

The fact remains that some drivers are hounded more than others. Indeed, as the number of radars changes from one city to another, the famous magazine Auto Plus published in its issue 1862 a ranking of the French cities with the most radars per inhabitant. And contrary to what one might think, it is not cities like Paris or Marseille that are at the top of the list!

© sdecoret-123RF

The magazine divided its list into three categories: the number of radars per capita in cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, in cities with 20,000 to 100,000 inhabitants, and in those with 5,000 to 20,000 inhabitants. In the first category, Perpignan (66) takes the lead, with 13 radars, which makes one radar for 9,204 inhabitants, followed by Nancy (54) with a total of 10 radars, or one radar for 10,426. inhabitants, and finally Mulhouse (68) with 9 radars, or one radar for 11,816 inhabitants. Paris is only 25e, with 33 radars for 2.13 million inhabitants. As for Toulouse, it is the city with the most speed cameras, of which there are 37. It’s better to go straight!

For the towns in the second category, we have in first place Villeneuve-sur-Lot (47) and its 5 radars, i.e. one for 4,326 inhabitants, followed by Montigny-lès-Cormeilles (95) and Grande-Synthe (59). ). Finally, for the third category, we have Gond-Pontouvre (16) with four radars, or one radar for 1,488 inhabitants, Lantons (33) and Saint-Nicolas-de-Port (54). Those who pass through these towns had better take their foot off the gas!
