Like a scene that was shot as a gap filler and without great effort, led to one of the most famous sentences in the history of cinema

Like a scene that was shot as a gap filler

The film history is full of striking sayings: “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you get“Is one of the best known. The sentence that introduces us to the gripping life of the sensitive Forrest (Tom Hanks) has long since become a legend. To remember the film Forrest Gump. very unromantic, as Hanks tells.

Iconic forrest gump scene with Tom Hanks was only a gap filler

Hanks explained in the CinemaLend-Podcast on Spotify:

The whole material that we shot on the park bench was just a gap filler for us. We only turned food for a little frame story. I said to [Regisseur] Robert Zemeckis: “Nobody is interested in this fool on the park bench. And nobody knows what is in the box. “In the end, we probably turned about 13 dialogue pages in a day and a half. Robert explained:” It is a mine field, Tom. You never know what people take away. ”

Look here the scene at the beginning of the trailer:

Forrest Gump – Trailer (German) HD

Nevertheless, the best of all possible effects seems to have occurred among many fans, after all, the scene is now considered one of the best known in the history of the film. Hanks also speaks in the podcast about how strongly the intention of the artists, the feeling of the set and the public aftermath of a film differ. Forrest Gump is the best example: the “gap filler” developed into one of the great cult moments of the cinema.

31 years later, the scene was cited in countless other films, series or pictures. The level of awareness of the film is so global that there is now an Indian remake. Not least thanks to scenes that were made completely careless as a replacement or emergency solution. And still were so masterful that they inspired millions every year.

Our sister page Espinof has recently published an article with a similar content.
