Liiga-Saipa starts change negotiations | Sport

Liiga Saipa starts change negotiations Sport

The change negotiations concern the company’s permanent employees and may lead to dismissals, layoffs or part-time employment.

Liiga-SaiPa, the parent company of SaiPa, which plays in the ice hockey SM league, starts change negotiations. They apply to the company’s permanent staff.

The change negotiations include office and restaurant workers, SaiPa shop workers and maintenance workers.

The company is considering adapting and making its operations more efficient, as well as reorganizing work tasks and possible terminations.

According to Liiga-SaiPa, the change negotiations are started for economic and production reasons. In addition, the company needs to reorganize.

The measures considered by the company may lead to the dismissal, layoff or part-time employment of a maximum of nine employees.

The change negotiations do not concern the coaching of the league team, the sports director or the players.

Liiga-SaiPa, which ran into financial difficulties, said at the beginning of November that it had started measures to stabilize its finances.

In practice, this means saving money and looking for additional income. The company is also looking for new owners. At the end of November, the company’s chairman Jussi Okko said that interested parties have been found and the share issue is planned to be carried out during January.
