lifting of roadblocks and continuation of negotiations

lifting of roadblocks and continuation of negotiations

The roads that had been blocked in Panama for three weeks to denounce the high cost of living were unblocked on Tuesday July 26 by the demonstrators, while negotiations continue between the unions and the government, announced the Minister of Security, Juan Manuel pino.

The roads are all open for the first time since the protests began, the minister said in a brief message. Shortly before, the police had announced on their Twitter account that ” the roads that remained closed due to demonstrations are cleared “, with “ a constant traffic flow“.

This wave of protest in Panama is unprecedented since the fall of the military dictatorship of General Manuel Noriega in 1989. The country, one of the most unequal in the world, is experiencing inflation of 4.2% and fuel prices rising by 47% since the beginning of 2022. The demonstrations and blockades were held in particular on the Panamerican, a highway that crosses the country and connects it to the rest of Central America, making supplies from Panama difficult and several provinces.

On Tuesday, leaders of the indigenous Ngäbe-Buglé region in western Panama announced that they were ending the Panamerican roadblocks in the province of Chiriqui, where most of the fresh produce consumed in the country comes from. . The reopening of the roads comes amid negotiations since Thursday, in Penonomé, 150 km southwest of the capital, between unions and the government.

On Monday, the first agreements were reached: the government agreed to reduce the price of 72 everyday consumer products by some 30% on average and tolower the price per gallon of gasoline (3.78 liters) from $5.20 to $3.25. The unions nevertheless continue to demand reductions in the price of medicines and electricity, increased investment in education and public health, and measures to fight corruption. They are also asking that the gallon of gasoline be increased to 3 dollars.

Panama President Laurentino Cortizo again called on protesters on Tuesday to lift roadblocks, during a message in which he appeared surrounded by ministers. “Protests, street and road closures affect us all, endanger the health and lives of Panamanians, increase food prices and hurt jobs“, he listed.

(With AFP)
