Life imprisonment for murder of father

Life imprisonment for murder of father

A man who shot dead his father in Storuman municipality in April is sentenced to life in prison. The man himself has admitted the act, but said it was a matter of murder and not murder. The reason would be that the father for a long time exposed him to condescending claims that he had been incompetent in various ways.

But Lycksele District Court makes the assessment that the act should be classified as murder. This is because the killing took place intentionally and that the man’s information about the background cannot mean that the crime is considered less serious, the district court writes.

“The murder took place with the intention of killing and was particularly ruthless, among other things when it took place against a close and defenseless old man in his home. In the absence of mitigating circumstances, the crime is thus so serious that the most severe punishment has come into question “, says lawyer Olof Hellström in a press release.
