Lidl accused of “complicity in animal abuse”, a complaint filed

Lidl accused of complicity in animal abuse a complaint filed

Lidl is the subject of a complaint from the animal protection association L214. The brand is accused of subsidizing and working with farms responsible for “ill -treatment of animals”.

A new denunciation signed L214. The animalist association announced to file a complaint against Lidl and two partner farms of the brand this Thursday, February 20. L214 accuses pig farms providing the discount brand of “ill -treatment of animals”, while the distributor is denounced for “complicity in poor treatment of animals”.

The L214 association supports her complaints on surveys which she carried out in the two targeted farms, one is in the Sarthe and the other in Finistère. In a press release, the organization indicates that the photos and videos recorded by him in farms in February 2024 show “blatant violations of regulations, such as the systematic cuts of tails”, a measure prohibited since 1994. “We fall on Intensive farms, with animals that do not come out on the outside, which permanently live on a Caillebotis and concrete soil, and especially which practice mutilation which are systematic on the piglets “, details Sébastien Arsac, co-founder and spokesperson for L214, France Culturethis Thursday, February 20.

The farm of Finistère targeted by a complaint would have “even more worrying” practices according to the association which signals unsanitary premises, the presence of agonizing animals or the practice of “keying”. This technique consists in killing non-viable or too frail piglets by throwing them against a wall or against the floor.

Lidl-supported farms for animal welfare

Not only complaints for “ill -treatment towards animals”, L214 accuses Lidl France of “deceptive commercial practices” and has filed another complaint for this charge. The association explains that the farms targeted by complaints are supposed to be part of the program “well -being animal +” set up by the brand. This campaign must normally subsidize eight pig farms “committed to advancing farming standards to more animal welfare”. “We are supposed to be on better, a little premium farms, from Lidl and in fact, we realize on the ground that we are very far away,” insisted Sébastien Arsac evoking the breeding conditions mentioned more high.

The L214 association castigates LIDL’s communication which “makes major promises to reassure consumers” but subsidizes farms that “do not meet the basic needs of animals and violate the regulations in place for more than 20 years” according to reports by AFP. Sébastien Arsac argues that there is a consumer deception on products from these farms: “When you show images of this type of farming to the consumer, we see that more than 90% of people are opposed to this type of type of ‘Breeding.

Recalling that the brand presents itself as the “supermarket most respectful of animal welfare”, the co-founder of the animalist association enjoins the distributor to respect the criteria of the minimum standard PIG (PMS), a European repository, supported By several NGOs, which relates to the conditions of breeding and slaughter of pigs. Contacted by AFP, Lidl France has not yet reacted to these complaints and has not wanted to comment.
