Licking the lid of yogurt, “very bad idea” warns this chemist

Licking the lid of yogurt very bad idea warns this

Yet 62% of people do it daily…

Adults and children alike, it’s a deliciously regressive habit that many of us have… Licking the lid of the yogurt before dipping your spoon into the pot. According to a survey conducted by the Swiss edition of 20 Minutes, 62% of people say they always lick the cover of their yogurt compared to 13% who never do so. Some people even see it as a waste if they throw away the cover as is given the quantity of yogurt that is deposited there. But whether we are accustomed to doing so or not, this seemingly innocuous gesture would not be as harmless as that. Why ?

Even if they are moderate, “This poses health risks.”, tells us a chemical engineer specializing in the formulation of polyamides. And this is because of the capping of yogurt pots which consists of covering the lid with a protective tablet – made of plasticized paper or aluminum – which is stuck on the container. Thanks to this process, the yogurt is perfectly waterproof and can be kept refrigerated for several weeks. “Licking the lid means swallowing a small quantity of glue used to stick the layers of plastic film and aluminum to the inside of the lid. Afterwards, there may also be additives in the plastic films that it is better to avoid swallowing anyway.“, she continues. In the same way, scraping the yogurt placed on the lid with a spoon should also be avoided at the risk of absorbing a little aluminum and glue.

Of course, it’s all a question of quantity: giving a little lick on the cover from time to time is not very serious. “The kidneys are also capable of eliminating part of the aluminum that we absorb through food. (those who are in contact with a food tray or aluminum foil)”, explains Steffi Schlüchter, nutritionist at the Swiss Nutrition Society, with the 20 minutes Swiss. On the other hand, it is better to lose the habit of licking it systematically.

Excessive ingestion of aluminum can be toxic to the central nervous system (can lead to encephalopathy or psychomotor disorders) and bone tissue, recalls theHandles (National Food Safety Agency). The same goes for glues which can, if ingested massively, cause gastrointestinal irritation, warns the company 3M in a safety data sheet.
