License hunting for wolves may soon be introduced in Skåne

On Monday, information came from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency to give Skåne and other counties in the southern administrative area the opportunity to make decisions about licensed wolf hunting. License hunting has previously been allowed in counties where they want to limit the size of predator tribes.

– The decision from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency means that we will have increased discretion in the wolf issue in the south. Now an establishment is taking place and the wolf is increasing rapidly and we are about to get space to get license hunting, says Nils Carlsson, head of the species and nature unit at the Skåne County Administrative Board.

Hunters hope for license hunting already this winter

This weekend, the Hunters’ Association gathered in Helsingborg and there raised requests for license hunting of wolves.

– It is positive, a good decision. The decision must be made as locally as possible. I appreciate that decision. I would like to see the hunt start already in the winter, we already have three established areas in Skåne. So there will soon be more, says Lars Persson, chairman of the Skåne Hunters’ Association.

A final decision on license hunting in Skåne will probably come this autumn, according to the county administrative board.

– It must be ready by October 1 at the latest. We do not foresee that there will be license hunting next year, we have relatively few wolves. But maybe the year after that, says Nils Carlsson at the Skåne County Administrative Board.
