Lice in hospitals combated with steam

Lice in hospitals combated with steam
full screen “Yes, it is true that we have discovered lice in a few places in the hospital that have been cleaned with steam,” says Ystad’s hospital chief physician Jonas Wrigstad to Ystad’s Allehanda. Archive image. Photo: Anticimex/Ntb Scanpix/TT

Bedbugs have been found in several places at Ystad’s hospital. The findings, which were made in seating furniture in the waiting room, have so far not affected the business, reports Ystads Allehanda. Hospital management assesses that this is an isolated incident. The lice have been combated with steam and new checks will be made in a couple of weeks.

Bed bugs do not cause material damage and do not spread disease, but their bites cause itching and bed bugs can be difficult to get rid of.
