Liberal doctors: towards a new consultation rate of 26.50 euros

Liberal doctors towards a new consultation rate of 2650 euros

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    The verdict fell earlier this morning: the consultation with a general practitioner will now cost €26.50 instead of €25. A meager revaluation, which is not to the taste of all doctors.

    It was at 11 a.m. that former social affairs inspector Annick Morel delivered her verdict. She announced that consultation fees will increase by “€1.50 unconditionally“, which brings the consultation of general practitioners to 26.50 euros. A heresy according to many doctors.

    An effective revaluation from this autumn

    While this winter the unions representing liberal doctors had already said no to “territorial commitment contract“and to this (meager) revaluation of 1.50 euro – bringing, therefore, from 25 to 26.50 euros the consultation with a general practitioner and from 30 to 31.50 euros with specialists – Annick Morel confirmed at the end of morning that this sum would not budge.

    A shock revelation for many experts, which will nevertheless come into force after the expiry of the 6-month period, ie next fall.

    According to Dr Quedeville, questioned on this subject, it is a “further proof of contempt for GPs and patients“.

    Without resources, the general health system will not hold up. It will continue to decline, as will the quality of care. This announcement is proof of a total lack of political will to build a system around general medicine, in the city. It’s quite contemptuous and dramatic for the future of our health system… especially since the unions had already refused this revaluation. So I wonder: it’s either provocation or incompetence.“, says the general practitioner.

    Another change in sight: according to the journal Egora, the consultation for registration of a new patient in ALD will be increased “at 60 euros“.

    For patients under 80 years of age in ALD and for patients over 80 years of age outside of ALD, the attending physician patient package will also pass “from 42 to 46 euros“.

    Finally, the recruitment of medical assistants will be “extended to all specialties (excluding anesthesiologists, radiologists and anapath) and facilitated, with employment assistance without preconditions (removal of the condition of coordinated exercise or exercise in an under-dense area)“. But its continuation beyond three years will remain subject “to the increase in the patient base“.

    As for patients in palliative care (aimed at relieving the physical and psychological suffering of the sick), “the annual limit on the number of long visits, estimated at 60 euros, is removed“, still indicates the medical journal Egora.

    François Braun praised “the work done”

    For his part, the Minister of Health François Braun praised, earlier this morning, “the work carried out by Mrs. Annick Morel who consulted all the stakeholders to draw up these arbitration rules”.

    François Braun nevertheless regrets “the failure of contractual negotiations“but”congratulates the fact that the text proposed by the arbitrator includes significant advances for the improvement of the health of the French people“.
