LFI wins the Finance Committee, Borne at the Assembly on Wednesday

LFI wins the Finance Committee Borne at the Assembly on

ASSEMBLY. The rebellious Eric Coquerel was elected this Thursday president of the finance committee of the National Assembly. Elisabeth Borne will give a general policy speech to the Assembly on Wednesday July 6.

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[Mis à jour le 30 juin 2022 à 18h21] “I will be the chairman of the whole commission”, declared Eric Coquerel following his election as chairman of the finance commission of the National Assembly. The deputy of rebellious France won this position after a vote this Thursday morning, facing his main opponent of the National Rally, Jean-Philippe Tanguy. The presidency of the Finance Committee being the only one to go to an opposition MP, the stakes were high for both parties. But by presenting a single candidate, the 20 Nupe deputies of the commission easily took the advantage. “The idea is not to control or carry out I don’t know what individual witch hunt”, wanted to reassure Eric Coquerel, while ensuring that he would not “deprive himself” of working on “the subjects of escape tax”. Another important post of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly, that of general rapporteur of the budget falls to the deputy Renaissance Jean-René Cazeneuve.

Now that the most important positions have been allocated to the National Assembly, the rest of the program is taking shape. Matignon told AFP that Elisabeth Borne would go to the Assembly on Wednesday July 6, for a general policy speech scheduled for 3 p.m. We still do not know if this speech will be followed by a vote of confidence, which would engage the responsibility of the government and could cause its fall if a majority of deputies voted against. The Prime Minister declared to the press on Wednesday that she had not yet made her decision.

What is the role of the chairman of the finance committee?

Made up of 73 deputies who sit on it, this permanent commission has the main role of controlling the State budget. And, not insignificant power, it can control the application of this same budget by appearing unannounced in any ministry to check the expenditure when it wishes. This monitoring role even extends to the hearing of ministers or any person directly linked to national finance, which may concern the directors of public companies. Finally, it can contact the Competition Authority to request the opening of a parliamentary commission of inquiry or reject amendments that would affect the State budget.

The seats of the deputies of this commission are distributed in proportion to the weight of their group. On the other hand, “can only be elected to the presidency of the finance, general economy and budgetary control committee a deputy belonging to a group that has declared itself to be in opposition”, specifies article 39 of the rules. of the Assembly. This rule was instituted by the former President of the Republic Nicolas Sarkozy who wanted a figure of the opposition to be able to accomplish this mission of control. The Chairman of the Finance Committee has access to documents covered by tax secrecy, and has the last word on each decision and each modification: he must therefore rule on the investigations of the committee’s rapporteurs who investigate the financing of expenditure. public. He can also reject the amendments made to the various bills: for that, he only needs to prove that their financing poses a problem.

What are Assembly committees and what is their role?

The National Assembly has eight standing committees. All bills or legislative proposals are examined by a committee before being voted on in the hemicycle. The role of a commission is also to inform the deputies about the stakes of a text of law before it is voted on. The commissions are made up of deputies, the parliamentary groups are allocated a number of seats proportional to their representation in the hemicycle. The eight parliamentary committees are:

  • Cultural Affairs and Education
  • Economic Affairs
  • Foreign Affairs
  • Social Affairs
  • National Defense and Armed Forces
  • Sustainable development and land use planning
  • finance
  • Laws

The eight permanent committees elected their president this Thursday morning. Apart from the finance committee, which went to LFI deputy Eric Coquerel, the positions are won by members of the presidential majority: the presidency of the law committee goes to Sacha Houlié (Renaissance), that of the business committee social affairs to Fadila Khattabi (Renaissance), economic affairs to Guillaume Kasbarian (Renaissance), cultural affairs to Agnès Firmin-Le Bodo (Horizons), sustainable development to Jean-Marc Zulesi (Renaissance), foreign affairs to Jean -Louis Bourlanges (MoDem), that of national defense to Thomas Gassilloud (Agir Ensemble).

Who are the new vice-presidents and quaestors in the Assembly?

The main posts in the lower house of parliament were allocated on Wednesday 29 June. The six vice-presidents were elected by absolute majority in the first round: they are Valérie Rabault (PS), Naïma Moutchou (Horizons), Hélène Laporte (RN), Élodie Jacquier-Laforge (MoDem), Caroline Fiat (LFI) and Sébastien Chenu (RN).

This was followed by the election of the three quaestors, namely the people in charge of the financial and administrative services of the National Assembly. Éric Woerth (Renaissance), Marie Guévenoux (Renaissance) and Éric Ciotti (Les Républicains) have been nominated. Note that for this position, an agreement had probably been made between Renaissance and Les Républicains: the latter renouncing to present a candidacy for vice-president in order to focus on the re-election of their quaestor, Éric Ciotti.

What are the 10 parliamentary groups in the National Assembly?

The final composition of the Assembly groups was published on Wednesday 29 June in the Official Journal. A parliamentary group is made up of at least 15 deputies, who meet by political affinity. The formation of parliamentary groups confers several advantages on the deputies who comply with it: they are granted work and meeting spaces, as well as additional collaborators. Speaking time in the hemicycle and seats in the committees are allocated in proportion to the size of the parliamentary groups. In addition, each parliamentary group elects its president, who sits in the conference of presidents, and can also request a suspension of the session or a public ballot.

Opposition groups and minority groups also have some additional advantages: one session per month is devoted to an agenda set by them. They can also propose the creation of commissions of inquiry. However, it is possible to sit in the Assembly as a “non-affiliated”, that is to say outside of any parliamentary group. Here is the final list of the 10 groups that make up the new National Assembly, as well as their membership and the name of their president:

  • Rebirth: 168 members, 4 relatives. President: Aurore Bergé
  • National Gathering: 88 members, 1 related. President: Marine Le Pen
  • Rebellious France: 75 members. President: Mathilde Panot
  • The Republicans : 59 members, 3 relatives. President: Olivier Marleix
  • Democrat (MoDem and Independents): 48 members. President: Jean-Paul Mattei
  • Socialists: 27 members, 4 relatives. President: Boris Vallaud
  • Horizons: 28 members, 2 relatives. President: Laurent Marcangeli
  • Ecologists: 23 members. Co-presidents: Julien Bayou and Cyrielle Chatelain
  • Democratic and Republican left (communists and relatives): 22 members. President: André Chassaigne
  • Liberties, self-employed, Overseas and territories: 16 members. Co-presidents: Bertrand Pancher and Christophe Naegelen.

Here is the complete list of the 577 deputies sitting in the National Assembly for this 16th legislature. The names of the deputies are accompanied by the group in which they have chosen to sit. It is possible to scroll the rows of the table to discover all the names of the elected officials.

What is a vote of confidence in the National Assembly?

The Prime Minister has the possibility of requesting confidence from the National Assembly: that is to say, he or she calls for a vote engaging the responsibility of his or her government, during which each deputy grants or not his confidence in this government. In general, these votes of confidence are called when the government is certain of obtaining a majority favorable to the Assembly. In the present case, the Borne government does not have an absolute majority in its colors in the Assembly. He would therefore run the risk of losing this vote of confidence, which would justify his resignation. Since the legislative elections, the opposition, especially on the left, has urged the government to submit to a vote of confidence. “At this stage, nothing is stopped and all the options are on the table”, indicated Matignon on Wednesday June 29. Elisabeth Borne will hold a general policy speech on July 6 at the National Assembly.

Read also

Here is the complete list of deputies elected to the National Assembly at the end of the 2022 legislative elections. It is possible to scroll the lines of the table to discover all the names of the deputies, as well as their shade and their score in the elections.

What is the new composition of the National Assembly?

The final composition of the 10 parliamentary groups of the new National Assembly was revealed in the official journal on Wednesday 29 June. Discover below, the final distribution of seats by groups in the National Assembly. A graph showing the legislative results 2022 as communicated by the Ministry of the Interior on Monday June 20 is also proposed.

The three groups that make up the presidential majority (Renaissance – ex LREM with 168 deputies and 4 relatives, Democrats – Modem with 48 deputies and Horizons with 28 elected officials and 2 relatives) all together have 250 deputies, far from the absolute majority set at 289 seats . The Nupes coalition, made up of four groups (LFI with 75 deputies, PS with 27 deputies and 4 relatives, EELV with 23 deputies and the communists under the name “Democratic and Republican Left” with 22 elected), has 151. The National Rally group has 89 elected members, that of the Republicans party has 62. There remains a “Freedoms, Independents, Overseas and Territories” group of 16 deputies and 9 non-registered members to complete this Assembly.
