LFI does it again, with added costumes

LFI does it again with added costumes

LFI elected official Rachel Kéké waved a Palestinian flag at the National Assembly this Tuesday. This is the second act of this type in the rebel ranks in a week.

New session suspended in the National Assembly. This Tuesday, June 4, 2024, left-wing deputies presented themselves in the hemicycle dressed in the colors of the Palestinian flag at the start of questions to the government (QAG). To which the President of the Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet reacted: “The hemicycle is the place for democratic debate and the expression of parliamentarians is carried out exclusively orally”. An advice which clearly did not bear fruit.

A second Palestinian flag brandished by La France insoumise

Shortly after, the rebellious MP Rachel Kéké brandished a Palestinian flag, immediately provoking the astonishment and anger of the President of the National Assembly. The latter decided to suspend the session. “Ms. Kéké, you obviously have a call to order with entry in the report and we will discuss at the next office whether a more severe sanction is necessary. But I thought things were very clear and that you were able to read like everyone else, our rules” indicated Yaël Braun-Pivet after the gesture of the LFI elected official.

The previous Sébastien Delogu (LFI), heavily sanctioned

Last week, Tuesday May 28, the LFI deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône, Sébastien Delogu, had already brandished a Palestinian flag while the Minister Delegate in charge of Foreign Trade and the attractiveness of France, Franck Riester, took the speak into the microphone. A gesture which triggered strong reactions within the hemicycle, behind the scenes and forced the President of the Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, to suspend the session. In particular, she denounced “unacceptable” behavior.

“It was a way for me to write history in my own way, firstly. Secondly, to raise awareness of the Palestinian cause and what is happening in Palestine because I had the impression that the images we see decapitated children, completely decimated families had become a bit banal” he explained on BFMTV. “I told myself that something had to be done. I took my courage in both hands, I did it and I am proud of it,” he continues. The LFI deputy received the heaviest sanction permitted by the internal regulations of the hemicycle: a fifteen-day exclusion from the Palais Bourbon, accompanied by the withdrawal of half of his parliamentary allowance for two months.
