Lfi accused of anti -Semitism, here is what justice held

Lfi accused of anti Semitism here is what justice held

The host had announced to prosecute LFI in court for the poster staging him. Insoumise France has been condemned.

This poster has been a lot of talk since it was put online, on the X account of rebellious France. We see Cyril Hanouna, the frowned eyebrows and the threatening air, his face coming out of the shadows, with written: “Manifestations against the extreme right and his ideas … and his relays!” A message that has been qualified as anti -Semitic by many. Although some rebellious people openly criticized this poster and others have assured that it had been created with artificial intelligence, the star host of Touche pas à mon poste had announced to pass this case to justice.

This is done, the Nanterre judicial court sentenced, Friday, March 21, France Insoumise to pay 3,500 euros to Cyril Hanouna for damage to the “image right”. The court also prohibited reproduction on any poster medium, according to the judgment which AFP had copy, reports Le Figaro.

The beginnings of the case

It all starts when France Insoumise publishes a poster on its X account. Cyril Hanouna appears to be frowning, mouth ajar, tight teeth. The star presenter of Touche not at my post is particularly grimacing. It even seems aggressive, threatening. Below, we can read: “Manifestations against the extreme right and its ideas … and its relays!” The rebellious party has also published other visuals, as part of its new communication campaign, in which it puts other personalities. Among them in particular, the journalist from Europe 1 and CNews Pascal Praud.

Put online Tuesday on the X account of rebellious France, the visual of Cyril Hanouna aroused strong reactions. For the International League against Racism and Anti -Semitism (LICRA), “LFI recycles anti -Jewish iconography”. And to add to X: “This embodied representation of the evil Jew, who, in the shadows, controls power, should definitively disqualify a party which deliberately places itself outside the republican field.” Senator LR Valérie Boyer judges that LFI “takes up Nazi propaganda”. She even believes that the party founded by Jean-Luc Mélenchon plagiated the anti-Semitic poster “the eternal Jew”.

The deputy for the National Rally Julien Odoul denounced “a style modeled on the most filthy anti-Jewish posters of the Nazis in the 1930s”. “Abject!” also reacted to X the socialist senator David Assouline. For him, by publishing this image which “borrows all the codes of anti -Semitic caricatures”, “LFI has nothing to do with the anti -racist left”.

“An awkward poster that should not have been there”

Cyril Hanouna has already announced “legal actions” against LFI, through his lawyer Me Stéphane Hasbanian to AFP. Of Tunisian Jewish origin, the host deplored in his program on Europe 1 Wednesday “a caricature which brings us back to the darkest hours”. And to estimate: “For me, there is no doubt, it is knowingly done.” But rebellious France has defended itself from any anti -Semitism, denouncing to AFP, whose HuffPost takes place, “foul -smelling accusations”.

This Friday, March 14, the reactions are more contrasted in the rebellious ranks and several elected officials are beginning to make a certain Mea Culpa. “I will never consider someone according to their religion,” said Manon Aubry on RTL. She regrets “an awkward poster that should not have been there”. For his part, Aymeric Caron, a related deputy LFI, said to himself in “opposition to campaigns that aim at the media personalities with whom we disagree”.

Guest on the set of C to you On France 5 This Friday, the rebellious deputy Paul Vannier revealed that this poster had been “produced by resorting to AI, the Grok software by Elon Musk. This visual should not have been published, it is a mistake to have used this tool”. But while journalist Patrick Cohen pointed to the fact that LFI was not at his first controversy concerning visuals, Paul Vannier replied: “I do not think it has to do with a culture. But it has to do with new tools, with this AI tool, and especially that of Elon Musk.”
