New World offers a few professions that you can level up to level 200 and beyond. In this guide, we at MeinMMO would like to explain to you how you can level up arcana particularly quickly and what special tricks you should pay attention to.
What does arcana do? This profession focuses on creating magical weapons, potions, and elemental reagents. As a magician, the profession is compulsory and it can also be very useful in other ways.
How to Level Arcana Effectively? Arcana is relatively straight forward in the leveling process. You start mainly with the weapons, switch to potions in between and create weapons again at the end.
It is important that you look at the prices of the elementary particles on your server. Air, earth, fire, water, soul, life and death differ significantly in price depending on the server.
Leveling Arcana – Here’s how
From level 1 to 50: For the first few levels, you have the choice of Iron Fire Staff or Life Staff, depending on whether Fire Particle or Life Particle is cheaper. You create 44 of these staffs and you need:
Level 50 to 100: From level 50 you stay true to this pattern, but rely on the steel variant of the two staffs.
For the full level you need 136 staffs:
Levels 100 to 150: At this level, you can either create powerful health potions or switch to ice gauntlets or doom gauntlets. This is because Wyrdwood is relatively expensive, but is required for the two staffs. However, Mighty Alkahest in Potions is very cheap on many servers.
Ideally, you do the following. First you create 86 Powerful Potions of Health. For this you need:
This will take you to level 108. From there, you’ll switch to Greater Concentration Potions. For this you need 1,034 pieces or the following materials:
More career guides on MeinMMO:
Level 150 to 200: For the final levels we recommend crafting 280 Ice Gauntlets or Doom Gauntlets, again depending on the cost of the Water or Death Particles. You need:
Also, you can craft Treated Health Potions or Treated Mana Potion in between, as both are also useful for yourself as you can use them in battle.
You can find more about New World and crafting here:
New World: This is how crafting works, which gives you the best equipment in the game