The night will be hard for José Luís Morales. The pimply captain missed a penalty that could have meant the tie of his own, a tie that Morales himself was in charge of bringing closer previously scoring another maximum penalty, but could not convert after failing the second. Nevertheless, the captain once again congealed a great night and therefore his partner Pepelu He did not hesitate to come out to support him publicly.
“We know that Morales is our benchmark and captain. He is our captain, our guide, it is normal that he is screwed because I have that feeling “said the Granota youth squad to support his partner. And it is that Morales’ tears were uncontrollable at the end of the match, the captain did not stop crying meanwhile his own companions as rivals approached to comfort him.
Morales consoled by Jesus Navas.
Despite the fact that the defeat smells like a farewell to the competition, Levante “he still has a lot of life left” As Pepelu pointed out: “We have a lot of life left, there are 5 games left and we are going to go out and fight it all, we are going to fight until the end”.