Letter from reindeer owner: “We want earmarked money”

On Wednesday morning, the Sami villages, through Sweden’s Sami Riksförbund (SSR), wooed the Ministry of Rural Affairs and Infrastructure.

In a letter, the Sami villages wish for earmarked money for the future starting in 2024.

– The increased grant of promotion for the reindeer husbandry that the government pushed for must go to Sami villages that are already on their knees, says Jenny Wiik Karlsson.

“A little surprised”

In the letter sent to the ministry as well as to the Sami Parliament’s board and the reindeer husbandry committee, the reindeer husbandry wants an explanation of how the Sami Parliament can consider it right to take funds from the reindeer for the authority’s administration.

– I’m a little surprised because this money is used to develop reindeer husbandry issues, says Håkan Jonsson, chairman of the board of the Sami Parliament.
