Letter chopper Michiel Deylius chops words that are about communication

Letter chopper Michiel Deylius chops words that are about communication

Michiel sometimes also makes larger objects. In his studio, which overlooks a meadow, he is working on two seating objects on which people can sit opposite each other. “What I am making now is about having a conversation, having a debate, about whether it is true or not. There is a lot of news coming our way and we have to figure it out all day long: who is saying this, is it true, can I believe that. One image says ‘it is’ in English, that’s how it is, this is the truth. The other image says ‘is it?’ That poses the question: is it true? Is it not true? The answer may ultimately be: we have investigated it, it is true, but it could also be: it is not true. And to give the conversation some direction, Hidden somewhere in this image is the subject of doubt and possibilities of it being possible. I hope it brings to people’s attention the fact that a conversation does not always have to end in a hardening of positions, but that there is also a movement towards each other is possible.”
