“Let’s do the miracle this spring”

Lets do the miracle this spring

The people of Turku have played in the finals in the two previous springs, but came second in the league. This season has been volatile. The team has to start the playoffs already on Monday.

Turku Palloseura’s ice hockey team prepares for important spring matches in rigorous ice training.

Before the whole team arrives on the ice, the goalie coach Ari Moisanen draws his own training for the two goalkeepers.

The head coach Jussi Ahokas knows that the team has to go through a more difficult season in the playoff spring, so the so-called pity players are ahead.

The team would naturally have wanted to be in the top six. From the first playoff round, you can advance with two wins.

– We have to play the best puck of the season then. Now is the place if you want to be a hero. The regular season doesn’t matter when you win in the spring, Ahokas thinks.

Lots of draws and a fluctuating season

TPS has had to scrape together points largely through draws.

Head coach Jussi Ahokas analyzes that the team has played consistent matches throughout. Small things have decided the victory.

– The finish, the last defense and the last fight are the things from which the result comes. We should have been able to wrap up more three-point wins.

Ahokas says that at the beginning of January, the team had a period where the team lost games that should have been won in terms of gameplay.

Goalkeeper Lassi Lehtinen has played well

The goalkeeper who moved from Rauma’s Luko to Tepsi for this season Lassi Lehtinen has been a significant player when the rest of the team’s play has fluctuated.

Lehtinen has received a lot of playing time and saved with a good percentage.

– Last season was a bit difficult, so I came to get a new lift and a kick to my career. My own games have gone well, but the team’s has been a bit variable, reflects Lehtinen.

He still believes that the games will continue in the spring for a long time.

– At best, we have a good chance to even go all the way to the end.

Lehtinen would like to continue the spring also at the World Championships in Tampere. That also requires good games in the League during the spring.

An important goal is playing in the NHL. Lehtinen says that he has not been able to see if the talent scouts of the North American Ice Hockey League can be seen in the stands.

– Let’s play this season here first. I’m focused on catching the puck.

Twice in the finals

The TPS ice hockey team has progressed to the finals in the last two springs. Rauman Lukko won the League in the spring of 2021, and Tappara was better last spring.

Head coach Jussi Ahokas still manages to believe in the team’s attacking ability.

– Our story has been a little different this season. Let’s do the miracle this spring. Let’s hope that we have a lot of spring kids who will still get fired up and put in even more effectively than in the regular season.

Last spring, Turkuhalli strongly supported the team, when after the corona pandemic it was again possible to go to ice hockey matches.

– Public support means a lot. Spring is the best time for a puck player and hopefully the public will find the hall. We need all the support and encouragement we can get. Last spring, the audience was actually the sixth fielder. We haven’t lost many playoff games at home, says Ahokas.
