Less cheesy than it seems, this activity is also excellent against stress

Less cheesy than it seems this activity is also excellent

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    Feeling the need to unwind (especially right now)? There’s one activity in particular that can do your body and mind some good. And you can do it pretty much anywhere.

    To let off steam or unwind, there is more than just sport (even if it remains a very good habit). One activity in particular would allow you to drastically reduce your stress level in a short time and that is good because it is accessible to everyone and is coming back into fashion. This activity is participating in a choir!

    Singing has neurological benefits

    Why is the choir a good option? First of all because we sing and singing is recognized as a painkiller and anti-stress. Several hormones are secreted when we sing, such as dopamine (reward hormone), serotonin (social bond hormone), oxytocin (trust hormone) and endorphins.

    In The worldSylvie Chokron, a psychology researcher, also recalled in 2021 “Singing involves the vocal apparatus and the respiratory system and promotes a abdominal breathing slow and deep which in return influences the cardiovascular system and the autonomic nervous system“. Studies have also shown that singing has positive effects on patients with neurodegenerative disorders such as dementia, Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.

    Singing in a group also reduces stress.

    But that’s not all. Because the choir would also be a source of social benefits. Singing in a group, whether it is a small vocal group or a large choir, is indeed a way to break isolation and promote sociability.

    This is why registrations have multiplied since the lockdowns and the Covid pandemic.Singing, especially in a choir, may well have valuable benefits at any age.” confirms Sylvie Chokron. And indeed, the older ones discover social ties and belonging to a project. The younger ones learn to overcome their shyness (it’s easier in a group) and to concentrate.

    The recipe seems to work: to date, nearly 3.5 million French people are registered in a choir and the requests continue to evolve. And you?

    The benefits of music on our brain

    Slide: The benefits of music on our brain
