After the release of one of the suspects in the double murder of Leslie and her companion Kevin, the young woman’s parents sent a letter to the Minister of Justice.
“Extremely injured and offended”, the father and stepmother of Leslie Hoorelbeke, murdered in November 2022 with his boyfriend Kevin, in Prahecq, in Deux-Sèvres, sent a letter to Gérald Darmanin, reveals The Parisianwhich publishes the missive. Addressing the Keeper of the Seals, they deplore the treatment of justice against them, but also the faults that have been committed in their file.
Patrick Hoorelbeke and Émilie Cardré thus denounce the “lack of respect and consideration of victims and civil parties”. Claiming that he had never been put in contact with the prosecutor or the investigating judge, they underline having been “informed of the advance [de l’enquête] Only through the press “. And this, even” for the most terrible information “, namely the death of their daughter Leslie Horelbeke,” after four months of endless anxieties “.
“Set up a system that helps victims and not criminals”
Leslie’s parents deplore “totally dehumanized” justice, but also “instructions for [qui] have all powers and [qu’]It is almost impossible to revoke “. For them, it is more than” necessary to put an instance of control of the investigating judges, as it already exists for the prosecutor with the Attorney General “.
Patrick Hoorelbeke and Émilie Cardré also return to the Liberation last week, one of the main suspects of the case: Nathan B., who benefited from a banal procedural error. “In the context of pre-trial detention, it would seem essential to us to set up means of revision of the release of defendants during material, professional or legal errors”, they say, before claiming “a compulsory implementation of the electronic bracelet” in this type of situation. Patrick Hoorelbeke and Émilie Cardré call in conclusion of their letter the Minister of Justice to intervene whether it is to avoid the reproduction of anomalies which they consider to have been victims, or to put in place a system which helps the victims and not the criminals “.