Leonardo DiCaprio should play in absolute cult film, but he found one thing in himself too “hideous”

Leonardo DiCaprio should play in absolute cult film but he

At the age of 14, Leonardo DiCaprio started as an actor in commercials and received with 19 already the first Oscar nomination. His way was paved to the Olympus Hollywood – and without training. While other stars in acting schools also learned to sing and dance in addition to acting, Leonardo DiCaprio had to learn on the set. His talent brought him very far, but there is one thing that he does not master at all: singing.

Leonardo DiCaprio was rejected because of his singing at Moulin Rouge

With Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio received a strong career boost in 1997. With the reputation he had at the time, it is difficult to imagine that a star of his format should not receive a role. However, this was the case with Moulin Rouge. As Variety in 2014 reported, spoke and sang for the musical. The role of Christian, however, went to Ewan McGregor. As the reason for this, DiCaprio stated his own voice:

To be honest, I’m not really ready to make a musical, just because I think that My voice pretty hideous is.

Look here a Moulin Rouge trailer:

Moulin Rouge – Trailer (German)

This assumption is no accident. In the interview, DiCaprio continued that he had met with the director BAZ Luhrmann:

But we had a friendly meeting where I, he and a piano player were there, and we tried to sing a song together. That didn’t go so well. I think it was ‘lean on me’, and when I hit the high tone, he just turned to me. Leonardo dicaprio does not look back on a missed role

Afterwards it became very clear that DiCaprio was not born to play this role. However, this does not seem to make too much of the actor. At the end of the interview he laughed and explained that he Simply happily appreciates to be able to make films. And with the acting talent that he could prove in so many films, it is not difficult to believe. What does it do if you don’t shoot musicals?
