Leonardo DiCaprio, one of today’s successful male actors, has been with us since the beginning of the 90’s. The actor, who has appeared in many films, has fascinated him with his excellent acting and charisma. The actor, who was nominated for more than one Oscar award, was awarded the best actor of the year in 2015. Now, let’s come to the subject of our article, we have compiled the best films of Leonardo DiCaprio for you;
Romeo + Juliet
The events in the film of the Australian genius director take place in present-day Florida. In the movie, Romeo (Leonardo DiCaprio) and Juliet (Claire Danes) are the children of two hostile families in the city. By a tragic coincidence, two teenagers fall in love and try to find an escape amidst their family’s war.
Dungeon Island

In the film, two police officers named Teddy Daniels and Chuck Aule go to Ashecliffe Hospital, located in the area called Shutter Island, where dangerous mental patients are treated after the disappearance of a mental patient named Rachel Solando, to conduct an investigation, and the mysterious events that followed.
The Revenant

In 1823, fur hunter Hugh Glass (Di Caprio) is savagely attacked and injured by bears while on an expedition search in what would later become the Dakota Territory. While murdering one of his comrades, John Fitzgerald (Hardy), Glass’s young half-Indian son, he robs himself and leaves him to die.

Leonardo DiCaprio is in this production with the very talented thief “Dom Cobb”. His specialty is to extract and steal valuable secrets from the depths of the subconscious during the dreaming moment when the mind is at its darkest and most vulnerable. Cobb’s ability to be seen in these rare humans, this rarity and dexterity, has made him a sought-after player in the dangerous new world of corporate espionage…
Money Hunter

Jordan Belfort is a young and ambitious 24-year-old man. With the desire to make money, he is ready to do anything to get rich, first as a broker on the Wall Street stock market and then at an investor firm called Stratton Oakmont.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Bloody diamond

Solomon Vandy. Everyone’s favorite, their paths cross because of the existence of a fascinating diamond. When they both set out with journalist Maddy Bowen after the diamond, they also caught a valuable opportunity in their lives. Solomon is enlightened by the possibility of reuniting with his family, and Danny by the hope of starting a new life.

The story, which begins two years before the American Civil War, deals with a tortured slave and German hunter Dr. It centers on King Schultz’s confrontation. It’s up to Django to free Schultz, who is accused of the Brittle brothers’ murder.
See also: Best Films in World Cinemas 2022