Lembe Lokk, Estonian common sense

Lembe Lokk Estonian common sense

Where is Estonia? Well, it’s in Europe, under the nose of Finland and in the comings and goings of Russia, ah okay. This question: where is Estonia? hurt our guest Lembe Lokk very badly.

26 years since she left, and since then the songs of her small country have made her cry. No more toast with anchovies from the Baltic, but hello trilingualism and for a yes for a no, good evening the language of Nathalie Sarraute. Actress, performer, singer Lembe Lokk became an observer of her daily life locked away in exile. His adopted language, French, allows him to twirl elegantly and literally around this question of remoteness. But, the distance also allows eclecticism and reconciliation. To see Secret Chords, his tribute album to Leonard Cohen.

To listen also on RFIMusique: Jazz’n’Klezmer Special with Boris Bergman, Lembé Lokk, Deli Teli and Laurence Haziza.

The musical choices of Lembe Lokk

Leonard Cohen VS Lembe Lokk Susanna

Arvo Part For Aline

Lembe Lokke how to translate
