Leili Anvar, between Rumi and Hugo

Leili Anvar between Rumi and Hugo

A dive into the ocean of Knowledge; this is what In Sol Major invites you to. Obviously, we’re going to need a felucca of curiosity and a bit of mystical breath, to come to terms with our big ears. History of listening. Life is not short, but time is running out. Says Malek Jân Ne’mati great figure of the Kurdish spiritual tradition.

His word guided our guest, Leili Anvar, who also met the one who perfumes the universe with his mystical poems, Farid ad-dîn ‘Attâr, author of the famous song of the birds which she translated. It’s a Leili linked to another voice saying I’m Afghan, so it’s legitimate that I constantly speak in cries. Which gives us an anthology The cry of Afghan women established and translated by our guest, doctor in Persian literature, lecturer at Inalco, daughter of Rumi and Victor Hugo or, to put it simply, born of an Iranian father and a French mother and fell in love for mystical poetry…

The musical choices of Leili Anvar

Darya Dadvar Sarzamine man

Salar Aghili Poem of the Atoms B

Marjan Farsad Our home is far, so far
