Leif GW Persson returns to SVT

Leif GW Persson returns to SVT

As late as March 31 took Leif GW Persson, 79, farewell to TV4 when he made his last broadcast with “Nyhetsmorgon”. Going forward, he would devote his time to writing books.

Now it won’t be like that. This fall, the criminologist will return to SVT, where he did “Crime of the Week” between 2010 and 2018 with Camilla Kvartoft as presenter. He was then lured over to TV4.

Leif GW Persson’s luxury life: The floor, the mansion and the enormous fortune

Leif GW Persson returns to SVT

Camilla Kvartoft also leads the new program “The Week”.

— It is a social program with a focus on crime and criminal policy. Maybe a little wider than what we did before, but viewers will definitely recognize themselves, she says.

Kvartoft emphasizes that society has changed since “Crime of the Week” was broadcast. This means that a wider grant – and a different name – now feels necessary.

— If you think about what has happened since we stopped broadcasting together six years ago, the crime has really become cruder and bigger. Organized crime affects us all, the whole society. Leif is knowledgeable when it comes to those issues and has the experience.

Here you can read about Leif GW Persson’s favorite wine – and it’s not cheap: “Add a zero”.

Criminology professor and author Leif GW Persson was an expert in “Crime of the Week” between 2010 and 2018 with Camilla Kvartoft as host. Archive image.

“Crime of the Week” became a viewer success with millions of viewers every week and received the Kristallen television award. The reunion of the popular presenters is something of a coup for SVT. Several of the former editors are also working on the new program.

— I understand that there can be great expectations and I hope that we will be able to make the viewers happy and satisfied, says Kvartoft.

Here is the fine dining restaurant that Leif GW Persson loves: “The only problem…”

Camilla Kvartoft: “Can make a difference”

It has been just over a month since Leif GW Persson left TV4. Camilla Kvartoft says that she is not responsible for having succeeded in luring GW back to SVT.

— No, we have had contact over the years, during this time. But this turned out to be funny news for me too. It became clear quite late.

She is very happy to be reunited with her friend and companion horse.

“What I think is the most fun is that SVT’s viewers can once again enjoy Leif’s humor, sharp lines and knowledge that gives a greater perspective on these issues that are so important,” she says and continues:

— That’s what I think is so funny about having a “reunion” like this. We can make a difference, it is an important program in our time.

This is what Leif hates GW hates when he goes to a restaurant: “Will some Santa come”
