Leif GW Persson on Anders “The Angry Carpenter” Öfvergård: “Will lose millions”

Anders Öfvergård stole meat from Ica Maxi

June 21st earlier this year, with only a few days left until Midsummer, would Anders “The Angry Carpenter” Öfvergård55, make a completion document at Ica Maxi Värmdö.

More meat was needed, and the choice fell on two sirloin steaks and an entrecote.

But when Anders Öfvergård left the store, he was confronted by a plainclothes store controller and security guard who had noted that Anders Öfvergård had not blip three pieces of meat in the self-scan.

The meat that Anders Öfvergård didn’t pay for at Ica Maxi Värmdö, a couple of days before midsummer. Image source: Police preliminary investigation report

Öfvergård himself thought it was all a mistake, but both the guard and the shop owner thought otherwise.

The self-scan at Ica Maxi Värmdö. Image source: Police preliminary investigation report

In the police preliminary investigation protocol, it is possible to take part in the testimony of the guard, and there are accusations that Anders Öfvergård was a “work environment problem” for the employees at ICA. This when he is said to have “stolen for 10 years”.

Anders Öfvergård is accused of having been aggressive and unpleasant during previous reconciliations during the self-scanning.

In questioning, the guard tells that the store manager was so relieved when Öfvergård was arrested that he was going home and celebrating with champagne.

Anders “The Angry Carpenter” Öfvergård was convicted of petty theft

Before the trial, Anders Öfvergård brought in the defense lawyer Johan Eriksson. Eriksson’s former clients include, among others, the terrorist Rahmat Akilovthe mass murderer Mattias Flinkthe SD politician Kent Ekeroth and one of the men convicted of killing the 12-year-old Adriana.

Johan Eriksson, co-owner of the law firm Försvarsadvokaterna. Image source: Lars Pehrson/SvD/TT Image Details that brought down Anders “Angry Carpenter” Öfvergård in the trial

Despite the star lawyer, Anders Öfvergård was convicted of petty theft, and the verdict was handed down on August 7.

The district court believes that it was difficult to understand that Öfvergård did not react to the low amount during the card payment because he must have realized that only the meat products – which were worth SEK 684 – exceeded the amount he paid.

The district court also found the shop supervisor and security guard who testified in the trial to be credible.

Leif GW Persson in Nyhetsmorgon about Anders “The Angry Carpenter” Öfvergård

During the Wednesday morning, the criminology professor visited Leif GW Persson News morning in TV4.

Leif GW Persson thinks the sentence is reasonable.

– When he shows up, they put special intelligence on him, by someone who has a lot of experience. He ends up being taken. He himself denies the crime, then he was sentenced a few days ago. Well, has he done it then? Yes, I’m probably pretty sure that’s a correct judgment. They have followed in detail what he has been up to. When he scans in, he follows a classic modus operandi, says Leif GW Persson.

Leif GW Persson has also reacted to Öfvergård bringing in the lawyer Johan Eriksson.

– For some reason he has Sweden’s foremost criminal lawyer Johan Eriksson. The court agrees, so I find it hard to believe that he will appeal, says GW.

Leif GW Persson. Image source: Henrik Montgomery/TT BildLeif GW Persson’s theory – The angry carpenter will lose millions

At the beginning of the year, Anders “Arga snickaren” Öfvergård recorded a new program for Kanal 5, which is based on the British hit Renovation Nation.

It would be the “Angry Carpenter’s” big comeback. What will happen with that matter now is still unclear.

Leif GW Persson believes that the meat theft will be the “most expensive ever”. Not only in view of the sky-high fine of a total of SEK 40,000 that Öfvergård was sentenced to.

Leif GW Persson believes that what will cost Öfvergård a lot of money is if he were to lose his job as a presenter.

– This is the most expensive meat theft ever. Now is not the time to be the Angry Carpenter. His loss of income will be several million, says GW, who believes that Anders Öfvergård will lose around 90 percent of his assignments.

Read more about Anders “The Angry Carpenter” Öfvergård:

Anders Öfvergård’s moves in the trial – brought in the star lawyer Johan Eriksson

The manager at Ica Maxi celebrated with champagne when Anders Öfvergård was arrested: “Steal regularly”

The angry carpenter was arrested for stealing food at Ica – has a huge fortune

The watchman’s sudden disclosure in the trial against Öfvergård – they avoid checks at Ica

That’s what Anders Öfvergård said when he was arrested at Ica Maxi: “Said he was famous…”
