Leif GW on the court leak in Attunda district court

An employee at the Attunda district court is charged with having disclosed classified information to a gang criminal.
Leif GW Persson believes that this is serious but not unusual.
– It is a classic insider problem, he says in Nyhetsmorgon.

The employed woman had a relationship with the criminal man to whom she leaked information. Specifically, it concerns, among other things, that a number of people were the subject of wiretapping, some of which the woman revealed.

– It is extremely serious, says Leif GW Persson.

However, the crime only had time to go on for a month or so before the police realized that there was a leak within the organization.

– Those the police were interested in began to change their behaviour. They switched phones and went on holiday abroad says, GW.

Now the woman is charged with serious data breach, serious breach of confidentiality and breach of confidentiality. Something GW believes will lead to a multi-year prison sentence.

– The courts are usually a bit more lenient towards women than towards men, but she will get a couple of years in prison, that risk is quite obvious, he says.

“A classic insider problem”

There have been similar incidents in the past, including in the penitentiary where criminals were helped by staff to escape.

– Translated in a broader sense, this is a classic insider problem. People who rob safe deposit boxes often have an employee helping them. This case is some kind of equivalent for the justice system, says GW.

According to Leif GW, the system is very sensitive to this type of attack. The security checks are inadequate, it has been shown that the accused did not go through a single security check.

– Regarding this, there will surely be a change, he says.

Today 12:16 p.m

GW on the stalker case: “Way too little compensation”

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