LEGO sports games soon? The crazy rumor

LEGO sports games soon The crazy rumor

This is the crazy rumor that has been agitating the Internet for a few hours: LEGO has signed a partnership with 2K Games for the development of several sports games. It’s the VGC site that comes out with the scoop, advancing sources familiar with the matter and revealed at the same time that two of these titles in production would be developed by Sumo Digital and Visual Concepts. It would be a football game for the first and an open world racing game for the second. If the information is confirmed, it would mean that the collaboration between LEGO and Warner would have ended, knowing that it is specified that the exclusive contract between Warner and the Danish company would not have been renewed. In this way, 2K Games could therefore seek its desire to throw itself into football in a different way than the traditional FIFA and other eFootball. Still according to the indiscretions of VGC, this football game could be released around the 2022 World Cup, scheduled from November 21 to December 18, 2022 in Qatar.

2K Games

As for the open world racing game, it would therefore be the developers of NBA 2K and WWE 2K now who would be on it, and who could suddenly work on projects other than classic sport. If the exclusivity contract between Warner, LEGO and TT Games would end, this does not mean that the entities can no longer work together. Let’s say that the end of exclusivity will allow other publishers and studios to offer other projects, a bit like Lucasfilm Games opened up opportunities with Star Wars and other market players (Ubisoft, Quantic Dream). We are now awaiting an official announcement or a denial.

2K Games
