Legislative elections in France: sharp increase in proxy requests

Legislative elections in France sharp increase in proxy requests

With this particularly short electoral campaign, voters must organize quickly. For voters who will already be on vacation, there is still time to request a proxy. For two years, this procedure has been done much more easily, online. And given the importance of the vote, more than 60,000 proxies were validated the day after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly. Since June 10, more than 400,000 have been carried out, or six and a half times more than during the last legislative elections, in 2022.

In the Issy-les-Moulineaux police station, southwest of Paris, voters come to the counter to present themselves continuously. The purpose of the visit? Make sure you can vote in the next legislative elections on June 30 and July 7. Requests for proxy made somewhat urgently, while this vote was not planned in the program.

I’m going to work on both Sundays of the legislative elections, so I’m making a proxy to vote anyway “. Like Julie, an educator of young children, Morgane will not be able to go to the polls. But for this forty-year-old, there is no question of missing the vote. “ As much as the 30th was no problem, the 7th was the school holidays. I won’t be able to be there to vote, but my husband will be able to, so we made arrangements between us, it’s not very complicated “, she testifies.

An express organization to anticipate. So, to save time, since the last presidential election, it is possible to make your proxy online using the platform My power of attorney.gov.

For your online request, you will have to specify your birth name, your first names, your date of birth and your voter number, which you can find on your electoral card », Specifies commissioner Laura Abrahami.

For those whose identity card is still in the old format: it is imperative to have your identity verified at the police station, in a judicial court or at the consulate for French people abroad. So Laura Abrahami warns: it’s better not to hang around. “ You can make your proxy until the last moment, even if once again, we favor the shortest deadlines. »

A ” democratic dating site » for proxies

But who says unexpected election, also sometimes says difficulties in finding a representative to accept his proxy. A problem spotted by the NGO A Voté, co-chaired by Clémence Pène. For the legislative elections, the association is once again relaunching its “Plan Procu” platform.

Either I register as a principal, this is the person who needs to be voted for, or as a proxy, where I volunteer to go and vote for someone. The platform “match” with the registered person closest to you. It’s a democratic dating site, and the idea is to reach an agreement, to transmit a voting intention and to check that we have the same values “, she explains.

And since June 9, the requests have been numerous.

In three days, we have more “matches” and volunteers than in a month in the Europeans », adds Clémence Pène.

Please note that the platform is accessible everywhere in France and even abroad. An additional way to encourage citizens to vote on June 30, while abstention was almost 50% in the last European elections.

Read alsoLegislative elections in France: the winners and losers of clarification
