Legislative elections 2024: in Brittany, moderate voters seduced by the RN in the face of the drop in purchasing power

Legislative elections 2024 in Brittany moderate voters seduced by the

The National Rally achieved a historic breakthrough in the European elections in the third constituency of Morbihan, in Brittany. However, the western region of France is historically moderate. The far-right party intends to transform the attempt into the legislative elections, in particular against the outgoing Macronist MP. In Locminé, 4,000 inhabitants, the candidates cannot escape the question of purchasing power, central to the campaign.

He is 25 years old, has never been elected and says he is not comfortable at the microphone. Antoine Oliviero is the candidate of the National Rally (RN) in the third constituency of Morbihan. This same constituency which saw the party chaired by Jordan Bardella garner nearly 34% of the votes in the European elections on June 9. A score twice as high as that of Renaissance, which came second.

The young man hopes to take advantage of this momentum for the legislative elections: “ I tell myself it’s possible. There is no reason why the people who trusted us on June 9 should not do so on June 30. Clearly, we sense an expectation among people. »

Sitting on the terrace, Patrice accepts the leaflet from the candidate, who remains little identified in the minds of voters in this constituency and whom Patrice has never encountered. What does it matter for this former left-wing voter, who this time will slip a ballot into the ballot box? National gathering.I have always been against the RN, but today, after 40 years, nothing has changed. We’re being shot in the foot more than anything else. We don’t try to help us, we try to push us down more than anything else », he judges.

His priority, like that of a majority of voters met, it’s purchasing power and the reduction of certain taxes. Antoine Oliviero is busy reciting a flagship measure of the party for these elections: “ reduce VAT on fuel, we’re going to get a lot of money back », he promises. This without specifying that this measure contravenes European rules and would force France to engage in a standoff with Brussels.

People are tightening their belts! »

Head to the Locminé market. It is held every Thursday in a street lined with stone houses typical of Brittany. Nicole Le Peih’s supporters are pulling. A resident refuses the profession of faith of the outgoing Macronist MP. “ Why, then ? », asks one of his supporters. “ Because when we ask her something, she forgets us », he tackles, as he goes on his way.

Nicole Le Peih, a retired farmer, knows that her re-election is far from over. “ Have the Bretons become aware for themselves, for their daily lives, of the impact of extreme programs?, she asks herself. JI’m not sure. »

Nicole Le Peih, a retired farmer, is the outgoing Macronist MP.  She is running to try to keep the seat she has held in the National Assembly since 2017.

After a few minutes, a retiree asks him about the increase in the minimum wage. “ Purchasing power is central! You won’t escape it! » « Have we not put in place Macron bonuses ? “, the outgoing MP tries to defend herself. The man does not care about his argument and continues, furious: “ You want a social movement in the streets, you’re going to get it! People are tightening their belts! »

Once calm has returned, Nicole Le Peih concedes: “ Maybe we haven’t done enough yet, maybe we could increase salaries. Ok, but he didn’t give me an answer as to where the money is found. »

Marie-Madeleine Doré-Lucas is the candidate nominated by the New Popular Front.  She is running for the third time in this constituency.

Marie-Madeleine Doré Lucas, the candidate New Popular Frontclaims to have the answer: “ A “exit tax“That is to say, those who place their money elsewhere so as not to participate in collective solidarity will no longer be able to do so. So the money is there. » But the argument does not convince Jérémy, a market gardener who does not have a big salary, “ 1 000 euros per month. We don’t live, we survive. »

Marie-Madeleine Doré Lucas presents herself to him, but he refuses the candidate’s leaflet. “ I have never voted in my life. We believe that there is always a change that will happen, but it’s always the same bullshit. » He said to himself “ totally disillusioned “.

This time again, he will not vote. Neither for these three candidates nor for the 5 others who are presenting themselves, Julie Cuciniello (Debout la France), Soizic Perrault (without label, ex-Les Républicains), Lionel Epaillard (Parti Brouette), Jocelyne Devriendt (Le Parti breton) and Julie Lepert (Workers’ Struggle).
