Legendary Sylvester Stallone film, a new version of which has been available for 2 years with 277 differences

Legendary Sylvester Stallone film a new version of which has

Next to Rambo, Rocky is the most iconic role in Sylvester Stallone’s career. From 1976 to 2006, the series about the boxing icon ran to six parts, after which three spin-offs were developed.

On Saturday evening, VOX broadcasts Rocky IV – The Fight of the Century. You won’t get that A good two minutes longer Director’s Cut can be seen, which has been revised with many changes.

Director’s Cut of Rocky IV received over 270 changes

In the fourth Rocky film, Rocky Balboa (Stallone) agrees to take on his old companion Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) for the toughest fight yet Ivan Drago (Dolph Lundgren) to train. When Creed dies in a fight against the Russian super boxer, Rocky must seek revenge in a personal duel.

A director’s cut of the 1985 film was released in 2021, in which, among other things, film music was replaced, sound effects such as hitting noises were changed and numerous scenes were expanded or removed. According to editing reports, the director’s cut of Rocky IV is coming 277 documented deviations.

When will the fourth Rocky part with Stallone be on TV?

Rocky IV is running September 9, 2023 at 10:05 p.m at VOX.

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70 times CSI per week and Germany’s Next Top Model at prime time: German free TV is at its lowest point and still can’t be killed. We discuss why this is the case in the Moviepilot podcast Streamgear:

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