Legendary sci-fi action with 4 parts, which is now even getting a new edition

Legendary sci fi action with 4 parts which is now even

Successful franchises in Hollywood lead lives that, in this particular case, are very reminiscent of that of their protagonist. Once in great shape, then a crash and supposed death, finally a – perhaps not always successful – Resurrection in the form of a reboot or remake. And every now and then this cycle even starts all over again.

Like its title hero, who was violently brought back to life, the RoboCop series is now doing the same. Nobody lets them bury, after three parts there was a disappointing reboot in 2014. And now Amazon wants it one more try start to resuscitate the whole thing. Before that, you can first stream all previous films completely as a package on Amazon Prime.

Sci-Fi classic on Amazon Prime: A human police officer becomes a RoboCop against his will

Detroit in the not too distant future. The city is devouring itself, there is murder and manslaughter everywhere. Much to the chagrin of the city’s rich and influential, who would like to build a shiny, beautifully clean super metropolis. Of course, this requires cleaning up the crime-infested streets. One shady tech company should provide a remedy.

It’s planned the police officer of the future, an automated droid that maintains law and order much more efficiently than a human ever could. But it doesn’t work quite as cleanly or smoothly either. The heart of the first real model is an innocent person: police officer Alex Murphy (Peter Weller or in the reboot Joel Kinnaman), who died in a cruel way.

Studio Channel

Peter Weller as RoboCop

His body is fused with electronic and mechanical components, his consciousness is overwritten with his new tasks and rules. But Alex’s inner self hasn’t given up yet, remembers his past and fights against the new robot existence – which has catastrophic consequences for those around him and his creators.

After ten years, RoboCop is now expecting another sci-fi remake on Amazon Prime

While Paul Verhoeven’s first RoboCop part became an absolute sci-fi cult and spawned two sequels, RoboCop 2 and RoboCop 3, the new edition released in 2014 couldn’t really convince fans. The film failed, not least because of its lack of hardness. However, that didn’t stop Amazon from new plans for the franchise.

Since the streaming service acquired the MGM studio in 2022, Amazon now also owns it the rights to franchises like Stargate and Robocop. Last year, industry publication Deadline announced that Amazon was planning new editions of these same series.


Robocop (2014)

So far there is no major news about these projects. It is also unclear whether we can expect a new series or just a single film or a RoboCop series. But if you look at the iron fist with which the big Hollywood studios and streaming providers cling to popular franchises, it is The new edition can almost certainly be expected.

Until then you can definitely have one more Robocop marathon with all parts Enjoy the series streaming on Amazon Prime. You can decide for yourself whether you give the reboot another chance before its successor appears.

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