Lightfall has started in Destiny 2 and with it its long-awaited continuation of the story. However, to gamble this, you have to choose between two difficulties. We show you when you should choose which difficulty.
How does the campaign work in Destiny 2? In the loot shooter, the system behind the campaign has changed a lot. Since Witch Queen, guardians can choose between two difficulties:
Players can therefore decide for themselves just before their journey through the story which burden is imposed on them, because the legendary variant is sometimes really tough.
However, before you reach for the classic version out of fear, we will show you why the legendary campaign is more worthwhile despite the effort and when you should use the classic version.
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This difficulty suits you in Lightfall
Which difficulty should I choose? It all depends on what effort you want to put into it and where your focus is. If you’re more of a newbie, freshly baked by the light and are now taking your first steps in Destiny 2, then you’d better take the classic version.
With this difficulty you can relax and follow the campaign and enjoy the story.
However, if you have been in Destiny 2 for a long time and have a variety of good weapons, then you should stick to the legendary campaign. It offers exactly the challenge you are looking for and on top of that you will be showered with a lot of loot.
What loot does the campaign offer? In the classic version, you will receive a chest with blue engrams, upgrade modules and, with luck, even legendary weapons and equipment for each completed level of a mission.
If you tackle the legendary campaign, you will receive far more items and goodies for your light bearer and two chests per level of a mission instead of one. Upon completion, you will be rewarded as follows:
Conclusion – you should consider this: The legendary variant of the campaign is especially worthwhile for players who want to reach the maximum power level faster and complete their exotic collection. In addition, this takes a little more time and keeps you busy for a while, but also rewards you generously. After each stage in the legendary campaign you get 2 boxes and so you really drop a lot of loot including upgrade modules to push your own power.
However, if you don’t feel like tense nerves and would rather get acquainted with Destiny 2, then choose the classic version. This allows you to relax and follow the story and be more concerned with understanding it. In this variant, the loot is rather sparse.
This is our guide on Destiny 2: Lightfall difficulties. Which one did you choose and do you think the story is cool so far? In your comments, please be considerate of players who are not as far along as you are and prefer not to use spoilers.
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