Legendary Games: Metal Gear Solid

Legendary Games Metal Gear Solid

In this part of our article on legendary games that we expect to be remade, we evaluate the Metal Gear Solid game and its effects on the gaming world.

There were so many games that were devoid of story and whose progression we did not enjoy, that we were now looking forward to remakes of the old ones. The previous guest of our series that we prepared for this purpose was our article “Legendary Games: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic”. This time, another masterpiece is next: the original Metal Gear Solid game. Although there are many rumors about the remake, not much content has been announced yet. However, out of respect for Solid Snake, it is also useful to remember how he joined the gaming world and what he brought.

Legendary Games Worth Remaking: Metal Gear Solid

I think before talking about Metal Gear Solid, it would be better to take a look at the legendary producer of the game. Hideo Kojima is one of the most well-known and innovative names in the video game industry. Born in Japan in 1963, Kojima wanted to reflect his passion for storytelling and cinema into video games since his early ages, even though he studied economics at university. Some time after joining Konami in 1986, he achieved great success with the Metal Gear series. Kojima has carved out a unique place in the gaming world by blending cinematic narrative, deep stories and complex characters in his games. The success and innovative approach of the Metal Gear Solid series has made Kojima one of the most influential creators in the industry. He left Konami in 2015 and founded Kojima Productions and continues to influence the gaming world with new projects.

Fulfilling Kojima’s wishes, Metal Gear Solid was a game with a deep story and complex characters, leading to tactical espionage and an action-packed adventure, just as he wanted. It gave us an experience based on stealth and strategy while trying to prevent a nuclear threat by controlling a military agent named Solid Snake, who is still one of the main heroes of many game lovers. The game attracts attention with its cinematic narration, powerful voice acting and groundbreaking graphics compared to the technology of the period. Metal Gear Solid made a huge impact on the gaming world and inspired many sequels.

  • Producer: Konami
  • Release Date: September 3, 1998 (Japan), October 21, 1998 (North America)
  • Genre: Action, Tactical Espionage


The story of the original Metal Gear Solid game tells the adventure of Solid Snake, a former military agent of a special unit called FOXHOUND, in 2005. Snake is sent to Shadow Moses Island in Alaska to stop a terrorist group that has taken control of Metal Gear REX, a walking tank capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, and threatens the world. During the mission, Snake encounters old friends and foes, engages in deadly conflict with members of the FOXHOUND contingent, and uncovers dark secrets about the government’s hidden plans. The game’s in-depth narrative, character development and plot full of surprises invite players to a gripping espionage and action story.

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Effects on the Game World

Introduction and Popularization of Privacy Mechanics

Metal Gear Solid made a huge impact by introducing and popularizing stealth mechanics to the gaming world. The game mechanics, in which players must hide from enemies, move silently and complete their missions without attracting attention, were later adopted by many games.

Cinema-Quality Storytelling

MGS broke new ground in terms of cinematic storytelling and character development. Long cutscenes, deep character analysis, and complex story structure have shown that games can be not only entertainment tools, but also powerful storytelling tools. This led to many later AAA games adopting a cinematic narrative style.

Advanced Artificial Intelligence

The artificial intelligence of the enemies in the game provides a system that dynamically reacts to the player’s movements and strategies, providing a more realistic and challenging gaming experience. Advanced artificial intelligence modeling, which is considered a major innovation in the gaming world, has radically affected many productions that will be released in the following period.

Voice and Voice Performances

MGS was one of the first games to use professional voice actors, thus adding depth and believability to the characters. As a result, it has increased the importance of sound and voice-over performances in games and raised the standards in this field. David Hayter’s voice acting as Solid Snake has become iconic in the gaming world.

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Camera and Control Mechanics

The game offers a new perspective by blending gameplay with the strategic use of fixed camera angles and a third-person perspective. We have seen similar camera angles in many games that followed it, such as the Silent Hill series, which played an important role in the advancement of new approaches to camera and control mechanics.

Game Design and Level of Detail

MGS stood out for its detailed game design and environmental interactions. The ability of players to interact with the environment, follow the tracks of enemies, and use various strategic tools has added depth and diversity to game design.

Advertising and Marketing Strategies

Promotional campaigns and marketing strategies made before the game was released increased the expectations and curiosity of the game. As a turning point in how games are marketed, it has led to new games developing similar strategies.

Technological Innovations

MGS presented one of the most advanced levels of the period in terms of graphics and technology, using the hardware capacity of PlayStation to the fullest. The first MGS game that pushes the boundaries of game technology also has a guiding place in the optimization of future games.

Metal Gear Solid Trailer
