Legal issues between game companies and players

In the online game world, it is sometimes possible to encounter interesting court decisions. These short stories represent interesting court decisions that can happen in the online gaming world.

Although we call it a game, both us players and companies have legal responsibilities towards us. Our cooperation with Cyber ​​Security Specialist Okan Algün continues on this issue. In this content, we will give information by making examples again.

Legal issues between game companies and players

In the online game world, it is sometimes possible to encounter interesting court decisions. These short stories represent interesting court decisions that can happen in the online gaming world.

Robbery Case

In an advanced online role-playing game, a big robbery takes place. Players have looted the inventory of the game’s richest merchant and stolen rare items. The incident gets a big buzz and the game company quickly sets up a court system to investigate the incident and find the culprits.

During the court process, the three players who committed the robbery are caught and prosecuted. The defendants plead guilty and confess to stealing the inventory using cheating. However, defense attorneys argue that while cheating is prohibited in the game, the game itself has vulnerabilities that allow cheating. Defense claims that the game’s developers incite players to crime by offering players the opportunity to cheat.

The court makes its decision, taking into account the fact that cheating in the game is strictly prohibited. Decides that the defendants are found guilty and that their accounts are suspended indefinitely. However, the game company is also heavily fined for inciting crime by allowing players to cheat.

Virtual Property Litigation

Another online game allows trading between players for real currency and rare items are of great value. A player buys a rare item for real money. However, with the last update of the game, the properties of the rare item are changed and its value is reduced. The player takes the game company to court because he is not satisfied with the depreciation of the item he bought.

During the court process, the player claims that he was a victim of the depreciation of the item he bought and that the game company deceived the players with misleading advertisements. The game company, on the other hand, claims that the update was made to balance the game and that the players were notified in advance.

The court rejects the player’s demands and does not find the game company guilty. The court states that the online gaming world is dynamic and gaming companies have the right to make changes to keep the game balance. It also means that players must accept risks while playing the game and be aware that item values ​​may change.

Accidental Ban Case

A player makes a joke on the forum of an online game he is playing, which appears to be sharing a particular trick of the game. However, the game company takes this joke seriously and bans the player for cheating. The player claims that he was banned by mistake by applying to the court.

During the trial, the player maintains that the joke was a harmless joke and was not cheating. The game company states that the player’s sharing may mislead other players and encourage cheating behavior.

The court decides that the player was banned by mistake. It accepts the immediate reopening of the player’s account and the claim for compensation for the wrongful ban. It also urges the gaming company to implement a more careful and fair ban process.

Legal issues between game companies and players may become more complex with the development of the digital world. In situations where the boundaries between the virtual and real world are blurred, courts may need to find new ways to make fair and balancing decisions.
