Left beach and girlfriend for national team

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

The Allsvenskan took a summer break just in time for the national team’s four matches in the Nations League.

AIK’s midfielder was looking forward to some nice time off.

At the same time, one by one the midfielders disappeared from the national team squad due to injuries. First Carl Starfelt, then club mate Alexander Milosevic. The national team captain Janne Andersson scrolled the mobile number to Papagiannopoulos, called and may have heard the clucking from the sea when the 31-year-old answered.

“Not so happy”

And a disappointed woman in the background.

– The girlfriend was not so happy. She was allowed to stay and complete the holiday. That’s what happens, says “Sotte”.

The question is whether it will be worth it. Papagiannopoulos played his fourth and most recent international match on January 11, 2019, in the 2-2 meeting with Iceland on the January tour in Abu Dhabi. Three and a half years ago, then.

It says something about how deep the national team right now has to dig to fill the midfield positions in the squad.

Compensated with games?

But “Sotte” is hopeful and wants to believe that he will be compensated for the interrupted holiday by a few minutes on the pitch in the upcoming matches against Serbia (at home at Friends arena on Thursday) and Norway (at Ullevål in Oslo on Sunday).

– There are many injuries, hopefully I will do my best and then we will see what happens. It applies to us who are here and have been called to take the chance, he says.
