Lebanese civilians stranded after Israeli bombing of Lebanon-Syria crossing

Lebanese civilians stranded after Israeli bombing of Lebanon Syria crossing

Israeli aerial bombardments on Lebanon continue and intensify in many cities across the country. On the morning of Thursday, October 3, the hotspot of the Masnaa border post between Lebanon and Syria was hit three times, leading to the closure of this vital road, particularly for refugees. More than 200,000 people have left Lebanon through this crossing point in recent days. The civilians who remain find themselves trapped and fear further attacks on this supposedly secure area.

2 mins

With our special correspondents in Lebanon, Aabla Jounaïdi and Jad El Khoury

Overnight, Masnaa has ceased to be the human anthill she usually is. Just the day before, at this vital crossing point between the Lebanon and the Syrianorias of trucks and cars were deployed in both directions. “ Road closed due to strikeannoys a truck driver, at a stop. We’re stuck at customs. I’ll wait a bit to see if it opens. Otherwise, I would have to go to the North, to join the Jordan. This extends my journey by 500 kilometers. »

A few hundred meters away, between Lebanese territory and Syrian territory, a huge crater makes the road impassable. Lebanese and Syrian refugees flee the bombings on foot. They go around the obstacle, many carrying their luggage, their children at arm’s length. Here, on a low wall, brothers and sisters play and debate, in their thin voices: “ Do you think we can cross illegally? “, ” No ! I don’t want to go through the mountains ! »

Do they carry weapons, these people, so that we can prevent them from passing? »

Their mother is too exhausted to intervene and decide. They come from Beirut after the massive strike on Friday September 27. “ We flee to Syria », blurts the first toddler. “ The strike was very strong », completes the second.

This is the end of the journey for Mohamed, a taxi who brought this whole family here. “ The road is cut, we can no longer go to Syriathe driver is alarmed. I’m here, I’m doing the taxi. Look at all these people fleeing, poor people! Do they carry weapons, these people, so that we can prevent them from passing? Their life is difficult enough as it is. »

Accused by the Israeli army of being a crossing point for weapons destined for Hezbollah, Masnaa has seen more than 200,000 refugees cross the border in recent days.

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