It’s a practice that concerns more people than it seems. Leaving your messages unread is a bad, sometimes debilitating habit that says a lot about your personality, according to psychologists.
If you regularly don’t open your messages and leave them “unread”, know that you are revealing a lot about your personality. Psychologists, who analyzed this fairly widespread behavior in our society, have given their verdict.
In a world where we are constantly stimulated by notifications, it is not uncommon to feel digitally overwhelmed and experience some form of stress. The phenomenal amount of information we receive every day through our cell phones can confuse us and make us lose balance. According to psychologists, it is therefore normal, even healthy, to try to turn away from our messages.

Voluntarily avoiding messages is a defense mechanism we use when we are victims of cognitive overload. According to psychologists, this is an avoidance or procrastination strategy. Avoidance, because some of us feel less comfortable responding to someone, especially if the discussion in question is emotionally charged.
Procrastination, because this behavior consists of putting off one’s objectives until tomorrow and postponing an effort. This trend shows that we struggle to truly set goals and show motivation on a daily basis.
Leaving your messages unread also demonstrates a desire to keep your personal space for yourself alone. Refusing to let others disrupt your rhythm and promoting your well-being are two essential factors for the majority of the population. Psychologists explain in this case that unopened messages have almost no emotional impact, and that responding requires precious time that could have been allocated to other, more interesting activities.
Refusing to read a message is therefore a practice that reveals your personality. Whether it’s fear, anxiety, fatigue or indifference, there are many reasons that lead you to close your eyes when you receive a notification. You’ll never see your friends’ response times the same way again…