Learning aids: what are the devices? How much and for what contract?

Learning aids what are the devices How much and for

LEARNING AIDS. Several aids to facilitate the employment of young apprentices have been put in place. How do they work and who can claim them? We answer all your questions.

Set up in the midst of the Covid-19 health crisis, the exceptional learning aid will be extended. Appointed Minister of Labor in the first government of Emmanuel Macron’s second five-year term, Olivier Dussopt confirmed the news on May 24, 2022 at the microphone of RTL, announcing that the system would be maintained “at least until the end of the year” 2022 What is this aid that is part of the “One young person, one solution” scheme? How do I know the eligibility conditions? Here is all the practical information on learning aids.

Apprenticeship assistance is exceptional financial assistance paid to businesses. Its objective is to encourage them to recruit and train young people within the framework of a apprenticeship contract. As a reminder, the apprenticeship contract consists of an apprentice training in a company and in a CFA (training center for apprentices). The exceptional learning aid was put in place in the context of the health crisis linked to Covid-19 and extended until the end of 2022, at least.

It was originally intended to compensate for the difficulties suffered by companies due to the epidemic and has become a more sustainable system to facilitate access to employment. The government wants companies to recruit more young apprentices to facilitate their integration into the labor market. Initially, it was paid to companies that hired an apprentice between July 1, 2020 and February 28, 2021. The Prime Minister announced the maintenance of this aid until June 30, 2022, before the new Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt in turn extends it until the end of the year 2022.

Exceptional learning support is available to businesses less than 250 employees. Companies with more than 250 employees can also benefit from it, provided that they have at least 5% of employees in alternation. This threshold can be lowered to 3% if work-study hiring in the company has increased by 10% in 2021. Regardless of the size of the company, the diploma or professional certificate targeted by the apprentice must not exceed bac +5 level.

The State has set up a simulator for calculating remuneration and helping employers at this address: https://www.alternance.emploi.gouv.fr/portail_alternance/jcms/gc_5504/simulator-employer. All you have to do is enter some information:

  • Type of Contract ;
  • date of hiring;
  • age and level of training of the employee;
  • target level of training;
  • duration of the contract in years;
  • region of performance of the contract;
  • number of employees in the company.

After calculation, the tool displays:

  • the salary cost for the employer (annual gross salary, exemption from social security contributions, residual employer contributions, and annual salary cost);
  • the amount of national financial aid;
  • the employer’s net cost, aid included.

Exceptional learning support is 5,000 euros for a minor apprenticeand 8,000 euros for an adult apprentice. It is paid monthly to the employer during the first year of the apprenticeship contract. To take advantage of this aid, the company must complete a few formalities.

  • Sign the apprenticeship contract and send it to the Opco (skills operator).
  • Send your monthly DSN (nominative social declaration). This must specify certain information concerning the hiring.

The exceptional assistance in hiring an apprentice is limited in time, since it is linked to the Covid-19 health crisis. In normal times, companies benefit from unique help for apprentices. Set up in January 2019, this one-time aid replaces the young apprentice VSE aid, the regional apprenticeship bonus for VSEs, aid for recruiting an additional apprentice and the Apprenticeship tax credit. Its terms differ from those of exceptional assistance :

  • the hiring company must have less than 250 employees;
  • the diploma or professional title sought must be of a level lower than or equal to the baccalaureate (bac+2 in the overseas regions and departments);
  • its maximum amount is 4,125 euros during the first year of the contract, then 2,000 euros during the second year, and 1,200 euros during the third year (and the fourth year, if applicable).

. There are additional learning aids. Linternaute.com summarizes them for you:

  • Aid for hiring a disabled apprentice, up to a maximum of 3,000 euros, paid by Agefiph (Association managing the fund for the integration of disabled people).
  • Tax deductions from the apprenticeship tax, which include internship costs, donations in kind and the “alternating bonus”.
  • Exemption from social contributions on the salary of an apprentice: exemption from the CSG (widespread social contribution) and the CRDS (contribution for the repayment of the social debt) on the remuneration of an apprentice. On the other hand, if the remuneration does not exceed 79% of the minimum wage, it is exempt from employee contributions.
