Evercore Heroes (PC) is a new multiplayer game that brings the gameplay of League of Legends to a PvE environment.
Games like League of Legends or DOTA 2 reach millions of players every year. But they are pure PvP grinders, the tone is often quite rough, and getting started is a test of patience.
Evercore Heroes uses the popular gameplay approaches, the isometric camera and even the optics and does not build an umpteenth LoL clone with PvP from it – but a co-op game with “competitive PvE”.
With the gameplay reveal, the developers have now revealed how the matches are played and MeinMMO summarizes the game principle. You can also check out the English trailer for the reveal:
Evercore Heroes – Gameplay Trailer
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Evercore Heroes offers “Competitive PvE”
How are the matches going? Games follow four distinct phases. Matches also start with four teams of four players each, two of whom are eliminated until the final phase.
You put together your team from three different roles: tank, support, damage dealer. You can set your desired skills beforehand and there are customizable items for battle.
There are different worlds with different challenges. The same world can also offer other opponents on the next run. In this phase you level up your characters and collect “Luum” with which you can build up your Evercore and become stronger. You can see how far the other teams are at all times.
Two events start with attacks on your Evercore until the final. The waves of monsters are also different on each run. The teams that each lose their Evercore in the attacks are eliminated. You can then start a new match directly and don’t have to wait for the end.
The last phase ensures a showdown in PvE competition. Each world offers a different event: it can be a boss fight or something completely different. The team that completes the challenge the fastest wins the match in Evercore Heroes.
Whether it’s items, levels, controls or skills: At first glance, Evercore Heroes makes a lot of use of the PvP MOBA competitors, but tries a PvE approach.
But it also has some of its own mechanics, like random shops and abilities on the battlefield that give your champions an extra boost, or customizable heroes that get stronger over time and unlock new abilities.
What’s your first impression? Do you have any questions? Leave a comment on the topic. You can read the first impression of our editor-in-chief Leya here: LoL with MMO boss fights? The new PvE MOBA Evercore Heroes looks really strong