League behind luxury robbery in Ibiza has been arrested

League behind luxury robbery in Ibiza has been arrested

Updated 00.36 | Published 00.05




full screen A man confronts the robbers after waking up during the burglary. Photo: Guardia Civil

They come at night.

Victims are knocked out by gas.

Then the league wanders around calmly for hours.

But one woke up.

  • Police in Ibiza have arrested two men and a woman on suspicion of at least 22 break-ins at luxury villas, where the perpetrators are believed to have used gas to sedate the victims, allowing them to move freely in the houses.
  • During the investigation, surveillance images and plaintiffs have shown that the perpetrators were unusually brazen, including by calmly emptying safes despite the risk of being discovered.
  • Among those who have been victims of these robberies are British radio personality Nick Grimshaw; in total, the league is said to have recovered stolen goods to a value of over five million kroner.
  • ⓘ The summary is made with the support of AI tools from OpenAI and quality assured by Aftonbladet. Read our AI policy here.

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    The league is believed to be behind at least 22 burglaries of luxury villas in Ibiza in recent years.

    Their rampage has shaken the Spanish police, who have failed to stop the robbers from targeting the island’s wealthiest residents.

    Now you may have made a breakthrough. On Sunday, the police stated that they had arrested two men and a woman suspected of involvement in the brazen coups, writes The Guardian.


    full screen Spanish police have released surveillance footage of the burglaries. Photo: Guardia Civil

    Fought the robbers

    Police have also released surveillance video footage showing the masked and black-clad gang members moving in and out of the houses during the robberies.

    In a dramatic incident, one of the victims confronts the robbers. He gets into a scuffle with one of the black-clad intruders and chases the fleeing League.


    full screen After some commotion, the robbers fled when they were discovered. Photo: Guardia Civil

    But usually the residents have slept through the entire robbery – despite the fact that the league often moved freely in the luxurious houses for a long time.

    – They were not in a hurry and they knew they had all the time in the world because they had knocked everyone out, says a source in the investigation into the robberies, who has seen surveillance images from the luxury villas. to the Daily Mail.

    – They were quite cheeky. They even ripped a safe out of the wall, which should have made a lot of noise. Then they calmly emptied the contents out into the garden.


    full screen”They were in no rush and they knew they had all the time in the world because they had knocked everyone out,” says a source Photo: Guardia Civil

    Knocked out of gas

    Robbery victims have often felt groggy and nauseous when they woke up.

    This has led the investigators to suspect that some gas was used to ensure that the victims were knocked out throughout the robberies.

    “Many of the victims have stated to the police that they felt groggy when they woke up in combination with other discomforts such as vomiting and dizziness. The suspected perpetrators are believed to have used some type of gas that causes drowsiness,” Ibiza police said in a statement according to The Guardian.

    The trio now arrested are suspected of having been active since 2019.


    full screen The league is believed to have come up with things for over five million. Photo: Guardia Civil

    Multimillion sums

    The police have shown parts of the stolen goods that were found during the crackdown. It’s everything from luxury bags to expensive watches and perfumes.

    In total, the league is believed to have come across valuables worth more than five million kroner.

    They have not shown any violence during the robberies.

    In the video where they are confronted by a resident, they appear to flee without a fight.


    full screen On Sunday, two men and a woman were arrested, suspected of being involved in the brazen robberies. Photo: Guardia Civil

    Celebrity exposed

    “If they were caught red-handed during a robbery, they left the scene quickly,” writes the police.

    The luxury villa robbery in Ibiza received a lot of attention last week when it became known that British radio personality Nick Grimshaw was targeted while he and his family slept.

    It is unknown if the arrested trio is also suspected of that crime, writes The Guardian.
