Leader of Network D indicted for murder in Araby

The prosecutor: The killer “circled” the target’s home • Specializes in contact murders

The murder occurred in a residential area in Araby in Växjö on October 8 last year.

A 23-year-old man then left home to walk the dog at night when two men appeared.

– There are two perpetrators who are looking for him, who have been circling the house. This is by chance in my opinion. Once he got out into the courtyard, they approached him and addressed him, says District Attorney Tommy Sköld.

Placed a microphone in covert operation

When the killers realized it was their target, they took out a gun and coldly shot the 23-year-old six times. Several were hit in the head and face, but also in the neck and lower body.

– By and large, he dies immediately. The person is executed, says Tommy Sköld.

Two months into the murder investigation, suspicions arose against a 21-year-old man who, according to the prosecutor, is the leader of Network D, a criminal gang based in Växjö. Under the utmost secrecy, the police entered a residence and rigged a microphone.

– They simply placed a microphone in an apartment where they knew the network leader was staying, says Tommy Sköld.

Then the police could hear how the 21-year-old tells about the murder and mentions details that no one other than the shooter could have known.

– The main evidence is from the secret room interception. The perpetrator tells another person about this incident. He tells about it in a way that makes him the perpetrator.

Today, the 21-year-old was charged with murder, despite his denial. According to the prosecutor, he was the one who held the weapon and fired the shots. There was insufficient evidence to prosecute the other perpetrator.

Specializing in gang assassinations

According to the prosecutor, the motive picture consists of two parts.

– It is based on what you hear the perpetrator tell. Partly because the plaintiff has previously reported individuals in the network for a robbery. They considered him a “goaler” because he talked to the police and participated in the investigation.

– Then the plaintiff was a lone seller of narcotics. And the network wasn’t interested in having it in their area. So they wanted to eliminate it.

Network D, which the 21-year-old accused of murder leads, previously dealt only with drug sales locally in Växjö. But now police and prosecutors describe how they have become specialized in carrying out murders – for other gangs, something P3 Crimea made a report about.

The prosecutor states that it is a network that has contract killings as its business model and source of income.

– Yes, it is. Based on what emerged from the secret room wiretapping, you can also hear very clearly how they discuss different assignments, what gives the most money, “which ones should we take”, “we can hit everyone”. They undertake assassination contracts.
