Le Pen, Macron… which candidate is in your lead?

Le Pen Macron which candidate is in your lead

CANDIDATES. In which departments do Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon get the most votes? Find out in detail with our results maps of the first round of the presidential election.

[Mis à jour le 11 avril 2022 à 00h33] The first round of the 2022 presidential election took place this Sunday, April 10, with a first round which determined who are the two qualified candidates for the 2nd round. The results of the first round of this presidential election are not homogeneous and this is quite normal: the French in the big cities, in the North-East, in the South-West or in the small rural towns make up a complex electoral sociology, crossed by various political expectations.

To find out which candidate is leading the first round of this presidential election, the easiest way is to consult the scores of the candidates in the departments of the territories. The map above allows you to consult these results. Once a department has been chosen, it is also possible to refine your search and discover the results of the presidential election in the city of your choice. The results come to us directly from the Ministry of the Interior, they are first partial and are consolidated over the evening.

Presidential results near you

The results of the first round of the election should create a new sequence at the beginning of the week: the defeated and eliminated candidates of this presidential 2022 will be expected on an essential point: for what will they call to vote in the 2nd round? The balance of power between two rounds should be established fairly quickly and the first results of the 2nd round should be available very quickly. But the campaign that opens will very naturally be very different from that before the first round, with now two projects on the table.

The Macron vote card

Where did Emmanuel Macron get the most votes, where did he make the difference during this first round of the 2022 presidential election? Find below its percentage in each department.

The Marine Le Pen voting card

In which departments did Marine Le Pen record the best scores? What was its result in its strongholds but also in territories where the RN is more generally in difficulty? Find below the map updated by departments.

The Mélenchon voting card

Third man in this first round, Jean-Luc Mélenchon recorded more than 20% of the overall votes according to estimates released in the evening, shortly after 8 p.m. this Sunday, April 10. Where did the LFI candidate accumulate the most votes? Find below the detail with the score of Jean-Luc Mélenchon departments by departments.
