Le Pen in Perpignan, for a final recall of the troops

Le Pen in Perpignan for a final recall of the

Last meetings in France before the first round of the presidential election, Sunday. Marine Le Pen, given in the second round neck and neck with Emmanuel Macron, was this Thursday, April 7 in Perpignan, a city led by a mayor of the National Rally. The RN candidate is already projecting herself between the two towers.

With our special correspondent in Perpignan, Julien Chavanne

Like an air of victory. RN executives have a smile on their face, their eyes glued to the good polls. And in the room, 3,000 supporters who already see themselves there.

I think she is ready, she can score very well. She’s on the right track there. “says a participant.

As if the first round was already in the pocket. But you still have to vote. So, Marine Le Pen beats the recall: “ History cannot be written without you “, she says.

Only one opponent: Our project is the antithesis of that presented by Emmanuel Macron. We didn’t need to learn to love the French. »

With a clear line: the useful vote against the outgoing president: “ I appeal to all French people to join us! And to participate in this great national work! »

►Campaign newspaper: Two days to convince the undecided and the abstainers

The campaign between the two towers is already set. A flexible agenda: two meetings, trips according to current events, and rest.

Marine Le Pen learned the lessons of 2017: “ I say this with sincerity and confidence. We are ready ! »
