Le Pen, Borne, Hollande… The first notable results of the first round – L’Express

Le Pen Borne Hollande… The first notable results of the

A ballot with multiple surprises. The first results of these 2024 legislative elections are arriving in dribs and drabs, in the different constituencies. Marine Le Pen was thus re-elected in the first round in the 11th constituency of Pas-de-Calais, notably in her stronghold of Hénin-Beaumont. Sébastien Chenu, her right-hand man in the National Assembly, was also re-elected on June 30, in the 19th constituency of the North.

The RN is already starting to accumulate victories from the first round. And this, to the detriment of certain political figures… like Fabien Roussel. The leader of the French Communist Party announced his elimination from the first round against the RN candidate, who obtained 51.9% of the votes as of June 30.

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For her part, former Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne comes in second position in a triangular, behind the National Rally candidate. François Ruffin is also involved in a triangular, but concedes 17 points behind in the first round against the National Rally candidate. For François Hollande or Laurent Wauquiez are currently in the lead in the first round.
