Le Pen and Zemmour “hand in hand” at a march on Thursday?

Le Pen and Zemmour hand in hand at a march

After the invectives of LR and RN in the Assembly on Tuesday, the recovery of the sordid murder of Lola continues, with a march supported by the two rival far-right parties…

The political recovery of the murder of Lola, this 12-year-old girl, killed and probably tortured on Friday October 14, in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, will have been complete in less than a week. While it is still difficult to understand the circumstances and motives of the crime and the investigation has only just begun, a march should be organized in the capital this Thursday, at the initiative of the Institute for Justice (IPJ) . A radical right-wing organization that seeks to defend victims and advocates for tougher justice.

In memory of Lola therefore, but also of “all the victims”, the association received the consent of Marine Le Pen like Eric Zemmour, who were thought to be irreconcilable since the presidential election. Significant detail: the National Rally and Reconquest! will therefore be side by side at this event. If Eric Zemmour assured that he would be personally present, on the side of the RN, it is Jordan Bardella who should lead a “delegation of elected officials from the party”. Marine Le Pen’s intentions are not yet known. The HuffPost says it has had confirmation that the boss of the RN would be present before retracting. Several other radical right or extreme right organizations will also be on the march, such as Action française, Civitas or the student union Uni. It is not yet excluded that certain leaders of the right – Eric Ciotti or Bruno Retailleau – participate, but caution was in order this Wednesday.

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The murder of Lola invites itself to the National Assembly

If the fate of Lola seems to move the far right so much, it is certainly because of the sordid nature of the drama, but first of all because of the profile of the main suspect, Dahbia B. The young woman, born in Algeria, was arrived in France in 2016, with a student visa. Visa expired since 2019. Since August 22, it was subject to an obligation to leave the territory which had not been followed up. An illustration, according to the National Rally, the Reconquest party! of Eric Zemmour, but also according to a part of the Republicans, of the flaws of the government in terms of immigration and policy of deportation to the border of foreigners in an illegal situation.

If Lola’s first name has been circulating since last weekend on fachosphere networks and in the mouths of several far-right leaders, it was finally invoked in a solemn setting this Tuesday, at the National Assembly, on the benches of LR as on those of the RN, for the session of the questions to the government. Eric Pauget, LR deputy for the Alpes-Maritimes, will have been the first on the offensive: warning that his “anger” had prevailed over his “modesty”, the latter underlined “the weakness of the Republic” as well as the ” laxity” of the government’s immigration policy. And Eric Pauget, to the applause of the elected representatives of the National Rally, to demand a “right to trial”, sweeping away doubts about the criminal responsibility of the suspect, such as her presumption of innocence. According to him, Dahbia B. would already be one of “those executioners who only have their place on the plane or in prison”.

The president of the RN group in the National Assembly, Marine Le Pen, will have abounded in judging that Dahbia B. “should not have been on our territory for more than three years” and that “too many crimes and misdemeanors are committed by illegal immigrants whom we did not want or were unable to send back home”.

Macron and the government forced to react

Faced with the emotion aroused by the murder of Lola, the executive was forced to react starting with its summit. As of Monday, Brigitte Macron spoke about the death of Lola on the sidelines of a visit to a college. An “abominable and intolerable drama” which must “never again be” according to her. The Presidency of the Republic, for its part, leaked information on Tuesday that Emmanuel Macron had already received the family of the little victim at the Elysée Palace in order to assure him “of any [sa] solidarity and [son] support”.

As for the attacks from the right and the far right, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne called on the Assembly on Tuesday for “decency” and asked that we let “the police and justice do their job”. It followed an intervention by the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, scandalized that elected officials could “use the coffin of a 12-year-old girl as one uses a step”.

This Wednesday, Elisabeth Borne was again under fire from the elected officials, in the Senate this time, the president of the group Les Républicains, Bruno Retailleau, estimated that the Prime Minister was making a “mistake by reducing the death of Lola to a simple news “. To which she replied that “in politics, we must always choose dignity”.

A little earlier, government spokesman Olivier Véran acknowledged that the government must “obviously do better” regarding the application of the obligations to leave the territory and that the executive was working “hard so that the expulsions can take place as soon as the decrees are announced”.
