Le Pen and Bardella are making progress in French opinion

Le Pen and Bardella are making progress in French opinion

Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella enjoy great popularity among the French according to the latest Elabe Barometer. The members of the RN have notably recorded good progress in the minds of supporters of the majority.

The lines are tightening. In the last Elabe Barometer for Les Échos, published on January 4, 2024 and highlighting the feelings of the French on the image sent back by political figures of all stripes, those of the National Rally (RN) are gaining ground. If Édouard Philippe remains the political figure most appreciated by the French, the latter is losing ground. Indeed, 41% say they have a positive image of the former Prime Minister and President ofHorizons, a drop of 3 points compared to the previous month. Second place is occupied by Gabriel Attal, Minister of National Education with 39% positive opinion.

On the third step of the podium, here is Marine Le Pen. 36% of French people say they have a positive image of the president of the RN group in the national assembly. It progresses by one point in one month. Jordan Bardella is close behind her, in fourth place in the rankings. 33% of voters have a very positive or rather positive opinion of the president of the RN, an increase of two points compared to the month of December 2023.

A dazzling progression of the RN among Emmanuel Macron’s voters

The dynamics accelerate more clearly for the two tenors of the National gathering when we are interested in the feelings of votersEmmanuel Macron. Indeed, Marine Le Pen progressed by 7 points compared to last month, again according to the Barometer Elabe. In other words, 24% of Emmanuel Macron’s voters have a rather positive, or even very positive, image of Marine Le Pen. The figures are of the same ilk for the president of the party, Jordan Bardella with 24% of favorable opinion among voters of Renaissancefor an increase of +6 points compared to the previous study.

For Jordan Bardella, the progression doesn’t stop there. The protégé of Marine Le Pen records a progression in public opinion among left-wing voters and environmentalists. +2 points compared to December 2023 and 16th place in this ranking. A score which however leaves him far behind certain figures of the left, moreover in the minds of his sympathizers, such as François Hollande (1st), Jean-Luc Mélenchon (4th) or Sandrine Rousseau (9th). On the other hand, for left-wing voters and environmentalists, Jordan Bardella has a more positive image than Gérald Darmanin, Laurent Wauquiez or even Valérie Pécresse.
