Lazio Regional Administrative Court agrees with Enac on the Ryanair affair regarding compliance with safety standards

ENAC twinning with Lebanon for harmonization of air transport

(Finance) – The Lazio Regional Administrative Court agrees withNational Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC) in the judgment opposing him to Ryanair regarding compliance with safety standards and passenger rights.

The Lazio TAR has in fact rejected Ryanair’s appeal establishing that the payment of a price for the assignment of a seat next to a minor passenger or passenger with reduced mobility constitutes a breach by the carrier of European regulations (EU Reg. 965/2012 and AMC1 CAT.OP.MPA.155), and represents a concrete impediment for the passenger user to the realization of his rights.

The Lazio Regional Administrative Court had already rejected, as a precautionary measure, the appeal presented by the Irish company against the provision adopted on 16 July 2021 by the Director General of ENAC Alessio Quarantain agreement with the President Pierluigi DiPalmawith which ENAC ordered, to protect the most fragile categories of air transport passengers, the free assignment of seats to minors and people with reduced mobility next to their parents and/or companions.

In its pronouncement, the Tar reaffirmed ENAC’s regulatory powers, within the scope of the faculties recognized by Community legislation to the national civil aviation authorities, and highlighted how the fulfillment of rules aimed at the safety of air transport cannot be related to commercial practices.
